Ref: OIAD-299
November 2020
Ref: OIAD-118
September 2020
4 September 2020
Proactive release of a report monitoring bird life in Kahurangi National Park.
28 August 2020
Proactive release of a report monitoring bird life in the Heaphy management area.
Ref: 20-B-0236
August 2020
15 July 2020
Proactive release of documents relating to the Wet Jacket 2019/20 aerial 1080 predator control operation and the cause of death of three kea in Wet Jacket Peninsula, Fiordland.
Ref: 20-E-0259
June 2020
Ref: 20-E-0253
May 2020
Ref: 20-E-0150
May 2020
South-eastern South Island marine protected areas consultation
17 February to 9 April 2020 and 3 June to 3 August 2020
12 March 2020
Proactive release of documents relating to the cause of death of six kea in the Matukituki valley near Wanaka following an aerial 1080 predator control operation in February 2020.
Ref: 20-E-0100
February 2020
31 January 2020
Proactive release of documents relating to the Kepler 2019 predator control operation.
31 January 2020
Proactive release of documents relating to the Hollyford 2019 predator control operation.
9 January 2020
Proactive release of documents relating to the Clinton and Eglinton 2019 predator control operation.
9 January 2020
Proactive release of documents relating to the Arthur, Sinbad and Cleddau 2019 predator control operation.