Date: 13 September 2018
Local food trucks at Harbourside Market will serve pest-themed dishes with prizes for the first to eat their way through the menu including wild venison pie and goat dumplings.
People can also get their hands dirty at working bees, shop for native plants, or hear from expert speakers at a range of events across the city.
Conservation Week runs from 15-23 September. With the theme “Conservation Week is Calling”, DOC is encouraging people to get involved in conservation-related activities during the week and find out how they can help turn around the loss of our unique biodiversity.
DOC Kapiti Wellington Community Ranger Lee Barry says New Zealand’s native wildlife is in crisis with more than 4,000 of our species threatened or at risk.
“We need to act now or we could lose wonderful, unique native species. If they go, we will lose a part of what makes New Zealand special.
“The biggest threat to our plants and wildlife is from introduced predators like rats, stoats and possums. Getting rid of predators is an important first step.
“Wellington is well on the way to becoming the first predator free city. At some events people can pick up a free rat trap and learn how to do their bit to achieve Predator Free 2050.”
Lee Barry says people can also answer the call by volunteering their time, or giving a donation to support a community conservation group.
Cleaning up waterways, creating safe homes for wildlife and getting rid of weeds and planting native species are other actions people can take to help protect our biodiversity.
“Thousands of New Zealanders are already contributing to conservation. When we pull together we can make a big difference.”
A selection of Conservation Week activities in Wellington includes:
Sunday 16 Sept, Pest Feast, Harbourside Market, 8am – 2pm.
Local food trucks serve pest-themed dishes with prizes for the first to eat through the menu. DOC rangers on hand with tips on trapping and weeding. Free rat traps available.
Sunday 16 Sept, Nature Day at Zealandia, end of Waiapu Road, 9am - 5pm.
A day of conservation, featuring half price entry, fun education activities, talks from experts, face painting and more.
Sunday 16 Sept, Baring Head Working Bee, Baring Head, Wainuiomata Coast Road, Lower Hutt, 10am – 1pm.
Work will depend on the weather; either weed work on the coast or restoration at the lighthouse. Meet at the bridge carpark, 1km before the coast on the Wainuiomata Coast Road at 10am. Bring good footwear, clothes for changeable weather and your lunch.
Mon 17 Sept, Pauatahanui Working Bee, Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve, Pauatahanui, Porirua, 9am – 3pm
Expect planting of natives, working in the native plant nursery, removing invasive weeds and some track maintenance. Bring sturdy boots, long sleeves and pants, waterproof jacket, warm layers, a water bottle and some food.
Tues 18 Sept, Project Jonah events at Lower Hutt War Memorial Library, Cnr Queens Drive and Woburn Road, Lower Hutt.
Story time with Mina, Schools Educator from Project Jonah 2 pm – 3pm. Hear Project Jonah volunteer Cameron Sang talk about whales, dolphins, and what it’s like to be a volunteer medic with Project Jonah, 6 pm – 7pm.
Weds 19 Sept, Seminar: Living with Wellington’s Wildlife, Zealandia, end of Waiapu Road. 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm (limited space, registrations required)
This talk from Dr Danielle Shanahan, Manager of Conservation and Research at Zealandia will cover why Wellington is becoming increasingly nature rich, what is driving it and how we could make it even better.
Sat 22 Sept, Otari Open Day Native Plant sale, Otari–Wilton’s Bush, Wilton Road, 10 am – 2 pm
This annual event includes the popular native plant sale, plus a DOC stall with tips on weed control to let natives thrive.
Sat 22 and Sunday 23 Sept, Celebrate Conservation at Wellington Zoo, Wellington Zoo, Daniell Street, 10 am – 4 pm.
Celebrate Aotearoa’s unique wildlife with lots of fun conservation-themed activities and half price entry for children. Build a gecko friendly garden, create enrichment for the kea or join the Bubble Man for some popping fun.
Sunday 23 Sept, Pest Feast, Harbourside Market, 8am – 2pm
Local food trucks serve pest-themed dishes with prizes for the first to eat through the menu. DOC rangers on hand with tips on trapping and weeding. Free rat traps available.
For more details on these and other events, visit