Date: 07 February 2025
This research, conducted every five years, uses a proven genetic mark-recapture method to estimate the Maaui dolphin population along the west coast of the North Island. DNA samples will be collected from live, wild dolphins using a small biopsy dart, providing essential information about population size, genetic diversity, and movement patterns.
“The Maaui dolphin is critically endangered, and every sighting or sample contributes to our understanding of the species and its future survival,” says Cara Hansen, DOC Ranger.
The most recent abundance estimate, completed in 2021, indicated there were approximately 54 individual Maaui dolphins over the age of one year in the water off the North Island’s west coast (the animals’ known habitat). This new survey will provide an updated estimate to help track changes in the population and inform conservation efforts.
The survey will be carried out over two summer seasons, in 2025-26 and 2026-27, with field teams operating between the entrance of Kaipara Harbour and the Mokau River in Taranaki. Staff from DOC’s Taranaki, Auckland, and Waikato districts, the Marine Species Team, the University of Auckland, and Ngaati Te Ata will collaborate on this important project.
The public can also play a role in conservation efforts by reporting any sightings of Maaui dolphins and being aware of the threat that toxoplasmosis has on Maaui dolphins. The dolphins have a distinctive round dorsal fin, often likened to an ear from the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.
“Real-time reports help our field teams understand where the dolphins are being seen and improve the success of our survey,” says Cara.
Sightings can be reported through DOC’s hotline at 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468) or online Marine mammal sighting form.
We have used the local dialect Ngaati Te Ata spelling of Maaui in this media release.
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