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Lake Te Anau

Next steps for Te Anau Bird Sanctuary


DOC is exploring alternatives to its management role at Te Anau Bird Sanctuary/Te Punanga Manu following a review into the facility and its operations.

Date:  10 February 2025

There have been some expressions of interest in the facility from other parties, and DOC will further investigate these opportunities alongside key stakeholders.

Great South Southland Regional Development Agency will support DOC in the evaluation process given their involvement with Te Punanga Manu over the years.

The sanctuary will keep operating as usual while alternative management options are explored further.

The review found work at Te Punanga Manu, although important for conservation, is not critical to the advocacy or protection of the species it houses – and is therefore not considered high priority biodiversity work for DOC.

The sanctuary also requires substantial investment in infrastructure and staffing to make it sustainable, says DOC’s Southern South Island Operations Director Aaron Fleming.

“One example is the takahē enclosure, which needs significant investment, with 2023 costings sitting around $100,000.”

DOC faces its own financial challenges and must prioritise its investment into conservation – which means it is not currently in a position to fund the upgrades needed at Te Anau Bird Sanctuary/Te Punanga Manu.

“Locally DOC’s high priority biodiversity work also needs investment, such as critical infrastructure to maintain predator-free Fiordland islands that are home to critically endangered species, including kākāpō, tīeke and mohua,” says Aaron.

“We know Te Punanga Manu is much loved by the Te Anau community and visitors alike, which is why alternative models to fund and operate the sanctuary will be considered.”

Currently Te Punanga Manu holds a small number of South Island takahē, kōwhiowhio/blue duck, pāteke/brown teal and Antipodes Island kākāriki.

“The well-being of manu will continue to come first no matter the outcome of the review,” says Aaron.

“We will keep the community, sponsors and stakeholders informed as things develop.”

Background information

DOC started the review of Te Anau Bird Sanctuary/Te Punanga Manu o Te Anau (Te Punanga Manu) in June 2024 and completed it in October 2024. The review assessed its current condition, purpose and sustainability. The decision to explore alternatives to its management was made in January 2025.

Great South was established as the Southland Regional Development Agency in March 2019. Committed to driving economic, social and cultural growth, Great South has a clear mandate to leverage opportunities for Southland in the areas of economic and business development, tourism and events.

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