Trampers at Mavora Lakes
Image: Logan Penniket | ©


Te Araroa Trust and DOC have teamed up to create the Te Araroa ‘Trail Pass’ for summer 2024/25.

Date:  07 August 2024

From the northern cape of Te Rerenga Wairua, to the southern bluff of Motupōhue, Te Araroa spans the length of Aotearoa New Zealand.

DOC’s Acting Director of Heritage and Visitors, Andy Roberts says the Trail Pass will provide better data on people using the trail.

“The DOC hut and campsite network is critical for Te Araroa walkers. With the Trust now offering the Trail Pass, people can save time and money.

“60% of the trail is on public conservation land managed by DOC, including 71 huts and campsites across Te Araroa.

“The new Te Araroa Trail Pass can be used to stay at some DOC huts and campsites and provides a discount at others along the trail.

“It also ensures that revenue from the Trail Pass will support trail development and maintenance,” says Andy Roberts.

Walkers need to register their walks through the Trust. The Trail Pass will be sold by the Trust as part of their ‘walker registration’ process, which opened on 2 August 2024 for walking dates from September.

“Te Araroa Trust’s objective is to develop, maintain and promote Te Araroa as a regenerative trail through partnerships and supported by volunteers and donations,” says Te Araroa Trust Executive Director Matt Claridge.

“We are very excited about the Trail Pass, Te Araroa is one of the world’s most diverse long-distance walking trails, allowing people to experience the back country, towns and everything Aotearoa has to offer.

“Around 2,000 walkers complete the 3012km trail as a continuous journey every year, while many others walk parts of Te Araroa over the course of several years.

“Providing additional value for walkers means a better experience for all and contributions from walkers help us ensure Te Araroa is a regenerative trail, with a lasting legacy,” says Matt Claridge.

The Trail Pass also offers users a 20% discount on a further 10 serviced huts along the trail.

More information on the Trail Pass can be found on the Te Araroa website.

Background information

  • Passholders will be offered a 20% discount on Serviced-category facilities along the trail as part of the pass. High-use facilities like these are often excluded from passes. In this case, rather than exclude them outright, we’re offering a reduced price to simplify trip planning for walkers and encourage booking and payment.
  • Te Araroa Trust will retain a portion of the revenue for investment into the Te Araroa Trail, associated technology, and a volunteer warden programme.
  • User fees for DOC’s huts and campsites do not cover the costs of the visitor network of huts, campsites, and track. User fees ensure a contribution (besides taxpayer funding) towards the provision of facilities by those who use them.
  • Accommodation that is not on conservation land (DOC managed) will need to be booked directly with private providers.
  • If you’re through-walking Te Araroa, or walking the South Island, you’ll need to purchase the pass as part of your walker registration.
  • If you’re just walking the North Island, or section walking, the Trail Pass is optional. You can still purchase The Trail Pass if you prefer the ease of one transaction.


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