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View of Cave Creek entrance, with path stretching into background.

Quad bikers damage Paparoa National Park

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 


DOC is asking the public for help after a quad biker drove down the Cave Creek Memorial Track/Kotihotiho.

Date:  27 March 2024

The quad bike got as far as the top of the first set of steps, scuffing the sides of the walking track and leaving tyre marks in its wake.

DOC Buller Acting Operations Manager Chris Hickford says the biker’s actions show a total lack of respect for the Cave Creek Memorial.

It’s the latest in a series of incidents up Bullock Creek Road, which leads to the memorial site, he says.

“The locked swing arm which prevents access to the old bridge up there was pulled out on one occasion. The lock on that gate has also been destroyed several times, and the gate to the start of the Memorial Track has been smashed multiple times.

“It’s hugely disappointing to see such inconsiderate and anti-social behaviour and the impact it has on other visitors and the natural environment.

“Repairing this damage takes our staff away from critical conservation work. It’s incredibly frustrating for them to see their effort and commitment deliberately wrecked by others.”

The quad biker gained access to the pedestrian only track leading to Cave Creek Memorial Track/Kotihotiho by forcing his machine through a pedestrian entrance.

If the public has any information about who this person might be, or other information about any damage done at any time, they are urged to provide information to DOC. This will be kept strictly anonymous, Chris Hickford says.

“We are grateful to those people who are vigilant about protecting our natural spaces and encourage anyone seeing behaviour like this to report it via their local visitor centre, or on the DOC Hotline 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).”

Driving a vehicle in any part of Paparoa National Park that is not a formed road is not permitted.

Anyone convicted of an offence against 39(1)(e) of the Conservation Act 1987: knowingly and without authority “interferes with or damages in any way historic or natural features of or on any conservation area” is subject to: in the case of an individual, imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding $100,000, or both.


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