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A shot taken from the bottom of a set of stairs in the bush.

Courtesy and caution urged as Hakarimata Summit Trail reopens


The Hakarimata Summit Track, one of the Waikato’s most popular walking tracks, reopens today as the region moves back to COVID-19 Alert Level 2.

Date:  17 November 2021

Part of an extensive network of tracks on the Hakarimata Range north of Hamilton, the Summit Track had been closed while the region was at Alert Level 3 and 4.

It is managed by DOC, with access points the responsibility of Waikato District Council (WDC). The position of both organisations is the track is too narrow to allow effective social distancing by users at the higher alert levels.

Barriers at the Brownlee Ave entrance were removed this morning, allowing track users to resume their exercise on the steep Summit Track.

 DOC and WDC urge people enjoying the track to:

  • Not use the track if they are sick or have respiratory ailment symptoms.
  • Scan the COVID-19 tracer app QR code at the entrance.
  • Sanitise their hands before and after using the trail.
  • Clean footwear on the Kauri Dieback cleaning station.
  • Whenever possible, keep their distance from other users who aren’t part of their group or bubble.
  • Show courtesy and care to other users, including stepping aside to let faster walkers/runners get by.
  • Watch their footing given recent wet weather.


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