Date: 10 December 2020
DOC Biodiversity Ranger Jamie Quirk says New Zealand dotterel, banded dotterel and variable oystercatcher nesting sites in this region are in coastal areas, around rivers and streambeds from Hicks Bay to Mahia.
“New Zealand dotterel with chicks are currently nesting at a number of places. At Turihaua beach there has been some disturbance by people as the nests are close to the mouth of the Turihaua stream.
“We want people to avoid nesting sites, give them space and keep an eye on dogs,” says Jamie Quirk.
Gisborne District Council Summer and Freedom Camping Compliance Officer, Michelle Lexmond says they are working jointly with DOC to help educate people about their behaviours.
“One of the biggest issues is trailbikes and speeding vehicles on beaches which cause long lasting damage to our fragile ecosystems and nesting shorebirds.
“We are updating our camping signage to request people keep off the dunes and a radio campaign promoting improved behaviours” says Michelle Lexmond.
New Zealand dotterel will nest anywhere from the high tide mark to the base of dunes or on riverbeds. They lay two or three eggs in nests which are well camouflaged and can be easily crushed by unsuspecting beach users. Variable oystercatchers breed in pairs and lay two to three eggs in nests which are usually simple scrapes in the sand.
You can help in the protection of shorebirds by keeping:
Fishers can further reduce their impact on the environment by being sure to take old fishing line home with them for safe disposal.
Jamie Quirk says these are small and effective measures to give these birds a fighting chance this breeding season.
“We are pleased to be continuing to work with the Council in the recovery and the long-term conservation of the NZ dotterel and other shorebirds.”
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