16 December 2019
Walkers enjoying tracks on the Coromandel and Kaimai Ranges this summer will likely encounter friendly DOC and iwi track ambassadors who will be spreading the word on how to prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease.
10 December 2019
A sighting of the distinctive round dorsal fin of a very rare Hector's dolphin on the Eastern seaboard of the Coromandel Peninsula has excited marine mammal enthusiasts across the country.
14 November 2019
The long-term sustainability of Coromandel camping holidays is being improved by changes to a number of DOC campgrounds; including reducing the number of people using them, at least in the short-term.
11 April 2019
Four-week old kūpapa is the 96th Coromandel brown kiwi to be released on pest-free Motutapu Island as part of a programme to secure the survival of this rare brown kiwi.
19 February 2019
Waikawau Bay Campground in the Coromandel will be closed from 1 March to 30 June 2019 for a $2.1Million upgrade on water facilities.