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Zero tolerance for poaching at Gisborne marine reserve

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 


MPI and DOC will continue to take a zero tolerance approach towards people who poach from the Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve north of Gisborne.

Date:  03 January 2018Source:  Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)

MPI spokesman, Adam Plumstead, says a recent operation targeted at people taking sea life from the reserve, resulted in 16 people being caught allegedly committing offences under the Marine Reserves Act.

"There are absolutely no exceptions to the rules around taking sea life from marine reserves which are a protected environment for a very good reason," says Mr Plumstead.

"The Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve protects over 2,400 hectares of coastline and its marine life from any threats to its existence and when people intentionally disturb that, and take marine life from this area, they are destroying this very special habitat."

Read the full media release on the MPI website.