Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication.
Date: 11 January 2018
DOC rangers on a regular maintenance visit this week discovered at least four trees had been cut, including ngaio and pittosporums.
DOC Community Ranger Chris Wootton says trees had been cut in two camping spots and it appears the trees have been chopped by campers wanting to improve their views of the sea.
"The trees serve as a windbreak to shelter campers and have taken a long time to establish on this coastal site. We take great care of this campsite on behalf of the public and our rangers are upset that people have cut the trees seemingly for their own self-interest."
DOC wants to hear from anyone who was at Robin Hood Bay last week and at the weekend who may be able to help identify who cut the trees.
Calls can be made to DOC's South Marlborough office on +62 3 572 9100.
Mr Wootton says DOC would seek to prosecute those responsible and anyone else found intentionally damaging native vegetation on public conservation land. DOC is also increasing watch on the campsite.
Chris Wootton, DOC Community Ranger, South Marlborough
Mobile: +64 27 422 5823