Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication.
Date: 16 November 2018
From Tuesday 27 November to Friday 30 November 2018, DOC is seeking all hands on deck for some easy maintenance tasks at Wellington’s most popular forest park – Remutaka, near Wainuimota.
DOC Recreation Ranger Suzi Tuffin says it’s the perfect opportunity for people to get out of the office and lend a hand.
The last working bee, held on Saturday 27 October, saw a dozen volunteers from LANSAR, NZ Police, Duke of Edinburgh students, Remutaka Conservation Trust, Hutt International Boys’ School plus staff from DOC’s national office.
Allison Wright, an advisor with DOC’s Capability Development team lent a hand and really enjoyed it.
“I went along to see what it is like for so many DOC workers on the ground every day. Basically it’s a lot of hard work! But I really enjoyed it and met some great people.”
Allison said she got a great sense of contribution and the tasks were basic – like painting - so she didn’t need any special skills.
“It was really well organised and there was great support all day for anything I needed – including a good lunch!”
Suzi Tuffin says the Kapiti Wellington DOC operations team enjoy hosting the community working bees – it means meeting new people, hearing new ideas and getting loads of stuff done.
“It’s a massive boost to the facilities and to morale – and great fun to meet new people and achieve lots of work at the same time.”
She says they get to achieve well cared for and maintained DOC facilities, that make them proud as DOC Rangers, and are a pleasure to stay in for visitors.
The highlights of the last event was a revamp of the Catchpool campsite kitchen, and the hard work of the volunteers.
“Everyone was focussed on getting the job done – my hardest task was making people stop for a break!”
The next session will include painting buildings and floors in the campground and amenity areas, and a variety of different maintenance work around the car parks and Education Centre.
DOC Kapiti Wellington invites you to a working bee:
Location: Catchpool Campground, Amenity Area and Education Centre
Dates: Tuesday 27 November to Friday 30 November 2018 – any or all days or part days much appreciated
Time: 9 am to 4 pm, or whatever time you can work to
BBQ lunch provided
Suzi Tuffin
Mobile: +64 27 404 9823