Date: 18 March 2018Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
DOC re-opened the nomination process for recruiting a broader cross-section of members from the different communities each board represents on the Minister’s recommendation.
The nomination process for the 2018 appointments was undertaken late last year and may have been affected by the Christmas holidays. DOC received 143 nominations for a total of 45 positions on 15 conservation boards.
“Conservation Boards are an important way for people to have their say and influence how public conservation lands and waters are managed. Their voice and role really matter. Membership of the boards should reflect the strong and diverse public interest in conservation and protecting New Zealand’s natural and historic resources,” Ms Sage said.
“I want to cast the net wider, using online and media channels, to ensure a wide range of people know about the roles and how to apply.”
The new process opens today with nominations closing on Saturday 14 April 2018. Ms Sage will consider nominations and decide appointments by 30 June. People who already put their names forward will still be considered.
“Anyone in the community who is passionate and knowledgeable about conservation should put their hands up,” said Ms Sage.
“Think about who you know with knowledge of nature conservation, natural earth and marine sciences, cultural heritage, recreation, tourism, the local community and a Māori perspective.
“On any one board there may be students, teachers, farmers, fishers, scientists, builders, tourism operators, home makers and retired people.”
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