Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication.
Date: 20 December 2017
The fourth year of funding from the DOC Community Fund has been awarded, with more than $4.2 million being granted to more than 112 projects across New Zealand, including six conservation projects in Northland.
Russell Landcare Trust Chair David McKenziee has smelt a dead rat in one of their traps
Image: Chris Richmond ©
The fund was established in 2014 to provide $26 million over four years to inspire and enable community-led conservation projects around New Zealand.
The fund is directed at practical on-the-ground projects that maintain and restore the diversity of our native plants and wildlife, encourage people to get involved in conservation and take part in recreation in our natural areas. This year’s priorities were projects to control the invasive weeds threatening our ecosystems and wildlife, and projects to tackle the introduced predators that threaten our unique birdlife.
“Directly supporting these community organisations means we will see more conservation work, more New Zealanders active in the outdoors and more people aware of our country’s unique conservation challenges,” says Sue Reed-Thomas, DOC Northern North Island Director Operations.
“It’s great to see a range of conservation work supported in Northland, from weed management, to kiwi protection and predator control. It shows the range of the biodiversity challenge we face in the North,” says Sue Reed-Thomas.
One of the projects funded in Northland is the Russell Kiwi Protection project, managed by Russell Landcare Trust, which will receive $76,000 over three years. The funding will be used to help control predators and other pests across 3400ha of the Russell Peninsula.
“I am especially pleased that DOC had joined the other agencies, foundations and donors in supporting this project. Russell Landcare has been undertaking native revegetation, pest and weed control on conservation land since 2002. We have a Management Agreement with DOC to continue this until 2029,” says David McKenzie, Chair of Russell Landcare Trust
The project will continue to contract a coordinator and professional trappers, monitor pest densities and the recovery of threatened bird species: including Pateke; matuku; weka and kiwi. The mainland buffer zone, to prevent Russell predators swimming out to the pest-free islands that Project Island Song has established in the Bay of Islands, will be increased. The project aims to increase kiwi numbers from 500 to 1500 to create a genetically viable population. It is supported by the contributions of many volunteers and other groups in the community.
Northland projects awarded DOC Community Fund grants
Te Tangi O Te Taio $64,800
This project is a whole community approach to coordinating a 'war on weeds'. The trust, working with whanau and their community, will normalise the identification, mapping and eradication of weeds (pest plants) from their rohe, supporting the resilience of taonga species.
Project Island Song War on Weeds $49,500
Project Island Song War on Weeds is the on-the-ground implementation of the recently developed Ipipiri Islands weed management strategy. Weeds pose an ever increasing threat to the restoration and viability of the Island's ecology.
Mangatete Landcare Group $63,000
Mangatete Landcare is a group of private landowners, in the eastern Kaitaia area, undertaking predator control - primarily mustelids and feral cats - on public and private land. They are targeting places with good kiwi populations that need protecting.
Waipoua Forest Trust $40,000
This project aims to reduce weeds to near zero density. The goal is to eradicate weeds in the Millennium Kauri Forest and in a zone surrounding the forest, creating a protective buffer.
Warawara Titipounamu protection project $106,700
Warawara is home to the only mainland population of titipounamu/rifleman north of Te Aroha/Pureora. It’s struggling to withstand predation pressure from mammals. An intensive and focussed predator control programme is planned to protect and strengthen this regionally significant population.
Russell Kiwi Protection $76,000
This project is designed to reinstate and sustain comprehensive control of predators and other pests across 3400ha on the Russell Peninsula. The predators and pests threaten native wildlife and the native forest and wetland habitat the wildlife relies on for survival. The predator and pest control will protect kiwi, weka, pateke and matuku and native birds that fly to the forest from the pest free islands created and protected by Project Island Song
The full list of successful applicants is available.