23 December 2016
DOC has reissued temporary permits for shark cage diving operators off Rakiura/Stewart Island.
06 December 2016
DOC expects to decide in the next few weeks whether to reissue permits for shark cage diving operators off Rakiura/Stewart Island. The shark cage diving season traditionally starts on 1 December.
18 November 2016
Popular visitor sites in Southland are being destroyed because of inconsiderate four-wheel drive users, forcing DOC to rethink access rights to some areas.
13 July 2016
Office of the Minister of Conservation
The ambitious Million Dollar Mouse pest eradication project on remote Antipodes Island in the subantarctic has been completed ahead of schedule, Conservation Minister Maggie Barry says.
25 May 2016
The Million Dollar Mouse project to rid Antipodes Island of mice is underway with the departure of a rodent eradication team to the remote nature reserve and World Heritage Area.
29 April 2016
DOC's Kākāpō Recovery Team invites the public to come and view some of this year’s kākāpō chicks.
26 January 2016
A genetically-important female kākāpō has mated for the first time.