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Ruataniwha revocation and land exchange decision


An application by the Hawke's Bay Regional Investment Company to exchange land required for the Ruataniwha water storage scheme has been approved.

Date:  05 October 2015

The Department of Conservation will receive approximately 170 ha of private land containing beech forest and regenerating native bush in return for 22 ha of the Ruahine Forest Park.

Director-General Lou Sanson says the land exchange will mean a net gain for conservation.



Letter to the applicant (PDF, 708K) – this is a low quality scan

DOC’s reports related to the decision:


View details of the original consultation

This decision relates solely to the land revocation and exchange application. The decision about approval of the Ruataniwha dam was made by the Tukituki Catchment Proposal Board of Inquiry - for full details see the Environmental Protection Agency website

Fish passage

In a separate decision, the Director-General will also require a trap and transfer system to mitigate the effects of the dam on native fish species. 

Documents about fish passage: