Date: 22 May 2020
Budget 2020 provides funding to DOC in three parts:
COVID-19 Economic Reset and Recovery Initiatives | 2020/21 $m | 2021/22 $m | 2022/23 $m | 2023/24 $m |
Jobs for Nature | 66.667 | 66.667 | 66.666 | 0.000 |
Pest management | 36.918 | 42.888 | 31.988 | 35.712* |
Enhancing biodiversity outcomes (contingency) | 46.797 | 42.445 | 34.925 | 30.078** |
Total operating funding | 150.382 | 152.000 | 133.579 | 65.790 |
*This initiative funding profile decreases to $14.512 m in 2024/25, $12.512 in 2025/26 and ongoing.
**This initiative funding profile decreases to $0.850 m in 2024/25 and ongoing.
Budget 2020 new initiatives funded | 2020/21 $m | 2021/22 $m | 2022/23 $m | 2023/24 $m |
Remuneration cost pressures | 3.800 | 3.800 | 3.800 | 3.800 |
Ngāi Tai Supreme Court | 1.367 | 1.556 | 1.355 | 3.624* |
Total operating funding | 5.167 | 5.356 | 5.155 | 7.424 |
*This initiative funding profile decreases to $1.355 m in 2026/27 and ongoing.
This funding will enable the Department of Conservation (DOC) to address the implementation cost pressures on the policy, operations and regulatory arms of DOC, created by the decisions of the Supreme Court in 2019 relating to Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Tribal Trust v Minister of Conservation.
Budget 2020 funding will help alleviate cost pressures incurred by previously negotiated annual salary review increases agreed with the PSA. This investment recognises the value of DOC staff and allows DOC to retain and attract high quality personnel. It also means that DOC will not have to further absorb rising salary costs. The last time DOC received funding to alleviate cost pressures from remuneration was in 2008.
As part of the Public Service, DOC is exercising pay restraint in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with the PSA, DOC has already determined there will be no pay increases for senior leaders and staff paid over $100,000 p.a. until 30 June 2021.
An additional $13.7 m contingency funding has also been set aside to repair and restore infrastructure after February’s severe weather event in Fiordland. The Department will receive this funding (as outlined in the table below) beginning 2020/21 subject to completion and approval of a detailed Action plan with joint Ministers.
Budget 2020 Southern S.I. Flood Recovery contingency | 2020/21 $m | 2021/22 $m | 2022/23 $m | 2023/24 & ongoing $m |
Operating funding | 1.163 | 0.919 | 1.048 | 1.080 |
Capital funding | 3.810 | 2.858 | 2.858 |
Total contingency funding | 4.973 | 3.777 | 3.906 | 1.080 |
The approved new funding initiatives brings DOC’s total operating budget for 2020/21 to $667 million (2019/20 $499 million). The graph below shows how the departmental budget (solid green line) compares with the pre-existing departmental budget (dotted green line).
Budgets for the years 2014/15 to 2019/20 are from the Budget Estimates of Appropriations as tabled in Parliament for those years.
The following chart overlays new funding approved in Budget 2020 and the Government’s COVID-19 response package with funding received in the last 10 years.
Vote Conservation has two main components:
The graph shows the continued growth of Vote Conservation and DOC's departmental budget from the new funding received in Budget 2020 against prior years.
The decrease in Vote from 2020/21 to 2021/22 is largely due to reductions in Non-Department Community funds, Nature Heritage and SILNA; the decrease from 2021/22 to 2022/23 is largely due to less capital injections as the Visitor Asset funding from Budget 2002 was for 22 years and Budget 2017 tourism capital funding ends in 2021/22.
Note, DOC’s budget is complex. There can be fluctuations as a result of Government policy initiatives approved in the annual budget round (eg Budget 2017-2019, International Conservation and Tourism Levy, Provincial Growth Fund); external revenue increases (eg hut and camping charges, concessions fees and partnerships revenue) and technical adjustments to budgets such as transferring budgets between years due to uncontrollable events.