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Budget 2018


Backing nature: Budget 2018 delivers a significant funding boost for DOC, with an additional $181.62m over the next four years.

It's one of our biggest ever funding increases and will benefit New Zealand's distinctive native plants, wildlife and natural landscapes.

Budget 2018 also invests in DOC's core capability and capacity.

Budget backs nature Minister of Conservation media release 17 May 2018

DOC's Budget 2018 explained

DOC's Budget 2018 explained

Backing nature: See how the increase in funding for conservation in Budget 2018 impacts on DOC's overall budget.

Backing nature – budget a win for nature

Backing nature – budget a win for nature

The Government is investing more than $16 million over the next four years to significantly strengthen DOC's organisational capability and capacity.

Predator control: Budget 2018

Predator control: Budget 2018

The Government is investing more than $81.2 million over the next four years in predator control, which will result in the largest area ever protected against predators on an ongoing basis.