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Mt Tongariro eruption


Learn about the 2012 volcanic eruptions of Te Maari craters on the northern slopes of Mt Tongariro.

Date:  07 August 2012

Learn about the eruptions from the Te Maari craters on the northern slopes of Mt Tongariro in 2012, what tracks and facilities were affected, and DOC's response.

Volcanic hazard zone and risks

What happened in the 2012 eruptions?

The Te Maari craters on the northern slopes of Mount Tongariro erupted twice in 2012, on 6 August and on 21 November. Also on 14 October, there was a small lahar/debris flow from near the eruption site down to State Highway 46.

Flying rocks in the August eruption caused some damage to the Ketetahi Hut and the Tongariro Alpine Crossing track. The November eruption was ash clouds only, there were no flying rocks. Nobody was hurt during the eruption activity.