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Two tara iti on the beach.



Find out about some of the special species featured on TVNZ's Endangered Species Aotearoa Season 2.
Black petrel/tākoketai

Black petrel/tākoketai

The black petrel/tākoketai is a medium-sized seabird endemic to New Zealand. It can dive to depths of 34 metres and spends its winters off South America.

Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

Find out about the bottlenose dolphins and the impact humans are having on this species.



Hihi/stitchbird is a medium-sized forest species that is one of New Zealand’s rarest birds.



The kākāpō is a nocturnal, flightless parrot. And its strangeness doesn't end there. It's critically endangered and one of New Zealand’s unique treasures.

Oceanic manta ray

Oceanic manta ray

The oceanic manta ray is the only manta ray recorded from New Zealand. It is common off the northeast coast of North Island from spring to early autumn.

Protected coral species

Protected coral species

Corals are actually invertebrate animals and most are protected.



Skinks are more slender than geckos, with narrow heads and small eyes, a narrow neck which is nearly as wide as the head, and smooth, shiny scales on the surface of the skin.



The flightless takahē is a unique bird, a conservation icon and a survivor.

Tara iti/New Zealand fairy tern

Tara iti/New Zealand fairy tern

Tara iti/New Zealand fairy tern is the rarest breeding bird in Aotearoa.