Report a sick, injured, or dead kiwi
Call your local DOC office, or our 24-hour emergency hotline 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).
Help a sick or injured kiwi
- Take the kiwi to a vet as soon as possible. You're not expected to pay the fees – discuss this with DOC.
- Transport the bird in a darkened, well ventilated box or carton with newspaper or a towel in the bottom.
- Keep the box in a cool, secure place (but not the boot of a car) and avoid loud noise.
Report a dead kiwi
Take a photo of the bird where you found it. Carefully put it in a bag and keep it in the fridge (but don’t freeze).
Dead kiwi can still give us a lot of important information (such as what killed it), to help save other kiwi.
Minimise the threat of pets
- Get your dog trained in kiwi aversion. If hunting, ensure you have a permit to take you dog and must be kiwi-aversion trained.
- Keep your dog contained on your property, and under control on a lead when out walking.
- Don't dump unwanted pets. Contact the SPCA.
- Keep your cat inside at all times, or at the very least at night.
Check where you can take your dog
Dogs are not permitted in kiwi sanctuaries and in many conservation areas.
Where you can take your dog.
Report roaming dogs
Report roaming dogs in kiwi areas. Contact DOC or a kiwi care community group.
In Northland, report roaming dogs to:
Report breaches in Northland pet-free subdivisions
Dog and cat-free subdivisions help protect kiwi and other native animals. If you think conditions in these areas are being broken, call the local district council, or the NZ Kiwi Foundation if you’re in the Far North District. You can also call your local DOC office.
Watch out for kiwi
- Drive carefully through kiwi habitat (look out for the distinctive yellow kiwi road sign).
- Report signs of kiwi and join the mission to help Kiwi.
- Fence and covenant kiwi habitat on your property, trap predators, and put escape ramps in cattle stops.
- Use techniques such as the kiwi-safe harvesting regime on plantation forest you manage.
Join the action
Get involved with Kiwis for kiwi and other groups.
Let us know how you think kiwi can be helped, particularly when it comes to dogs.
Read about kiwi