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Blue duck in water.

Whio song/waiata


Sing along to the Little Blue Duck song, and learn about the whio's life.

The Little Blue Duck / He Waiata Whio

This lively little song tells us how blue duck/whio live. It was written by DOC Ranger Aniwaniwa Tawa and translated into Te Reo Māori by Huria Tawa.

Family of blue duck/whio.
Family of blue duck/whio

Have fun and learn while you listen, or sing along with Aniwaniwa.

Listen to the song

The Little Blue Duck (MP4, 2,737K)

He Waiata Whio (MP4, 2,814K)

Play the song on guitar

Lyrics with guitar chords (PDF, 84K)

Read the lyrics

The Little Blue Duck

Baby whio riding the rapids
Baby whio riding the rapids

There’s a little blue duck
He loves to ride the rapids
That little blue duck
He’s very, very shy

He can only live
In crystal clear waters
He’s hard to see
He’s hard to find

Whio whio whio whio
That’s the sound he makes
He doesn’t know to run away
When stoats are on the chase

Whio whio whio whio
He whistles all day long
Whio whio whio whio
I love to hear your song

Whio whio whio whio
I love to hear your song 

He Waiata Whio

He rakiraki kahurangi    
Kauhoe hīrere
He rakiraki kahurangi
Tino whakamā

Ko te wai pīata
Tōna tino nohonga
Uaua kimi noa
Uaua te kite

Whio whio whio whio
Ko irā tōna tangi
Kāore ia e oma
Atu i te toata

Whio whio whio whio
Te katoa o ia rā
Whio whio whio whio
Pai ki ahau tō waiata

Whio whio whio whio
Pai ki ahau tō waiata!