Long-tailed Bat
Image: Sabine Bernert | ©


Information and advice for people working with bats, what to do if you come across a sick or injured bat, and how to report a bat sighting.

Bat Recovery Group documents

The New Zealand Bat Recovery Group has developed best practice guidance and advice notes for bat workers.

Guidance incluces: Protocols for minimising the risk of felling occupied bat roosts (PDF, 1077K)

Browse and download bat recovery documents

(Note: This links to our Cerberus download site. Get help on downloading files.)

AR4 bat recorders

The DOC electronics team developed the AR4 bat recorder, now widely used in New Zealand to survey for bats. 

Information and resources for the AR4 bat recorders are available on the DOC electronics web page.

An app for testing recorders is available from Google Play Store. Look for “DOC – Bat Recorder Tester” from Tussock Innovation Ltd.

National bat database

DOC administers a national database of bat records so we can learn more about bat distribution and how that changes over time. 

You can assist us by reporting sightings of bats. Record the location (including a gps reference), number, time and date you sighted or recorded them.

Preferably use the Bat records sample spreadsheet (XLSX, 45K).

Submit your sightings to batdatabase@doc.govt.nz

Sick or injured bats

For advice on the care of sick or injured bats refer to:

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