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Te Angiangi Marine Reserve.

Marine Protected Area reviews


DOC is periodically required to undertake reviews of our Marine Protected Areas.

Marine Protected Area (MPA) reviews aim to determine whether the marine protection measures in place are meeting the objectives for which they were established. 

MPAs include marine reserves (with the highest level of protection) and a variety of other protection measures. Aotearoa now has 44 marine reserves established under the Marine Reserves Act 1971. 

The Marine Reserves Act itself does not require a review of a reserve's effectiveness. However, DOC is sometimes obligated to conduct such as assessment through agreements or conditions defined during the process of establishing the reserve.

MPA reviews assess the effectiveness of protection measures in place. Changes to biophysical, socio-economic, and governance conditions are measured and compared to the objectives of the MPA. 

Indicators of success might include increased:

  • species abundance
  • level of stakeholder participation in management activities 
  • regulatory compliance. 

Te Angiangi Marine Reserve review

DOC conducted a generational review of Te Angiangi Marine Reserve in partnership with Ngāti Kere who holds mana whenua over the area.

The review examined indicators that assess:

  • the health of marine life within the reserve
  • management practices
  • community engagement with the area.

We completed the review in 2024 and made thirteen recommendations to improve management of the marine reserve.

Te Angiangi Marine Reserve – A Generational Review (PDF, 1,349K)

Upcoming MPA reviews