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Biodiversity New Zealand resources


This replaces the Biodiversity Information Online website that aimed to make finding resources easier for people working on biodiversity in New Zealand.

The former Biodiversity Information Online (BIO) website originally described the funded programmes of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy under the International Convention on Biological Diversity.

The BIO site was sponsored by the central government agencies that have a statutory role in managing and conserving New Zealand's unique biodiversity –

  • Department of Conservation (DOC)
  • Ministry for the Environment (MFE)
  • Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) - formerly Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ministry of Fisheries

This section links to agencies, groups, organisations, and networks involved in biodiversity protection in New Zealand.

Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

The Convention on Biological Biodiversity requires countries to prepare National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).

DOC coordinated the implementation of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2000-2020 and Action Plan 2016-2020. This expresses our long-term commitment to conserve our natural heritage.

Other government agencies implementing parts of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy were:

Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020

Te Mana o te Taiao, the Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020, was released in August 2020.

Key data sources


Programmes and funding

Marine and freshwater


Local government

Non-government organisations and networks


Research organisations, universities, and museums

References for researchers

References for biodiversity research

References for biodiversity research

Find links to identification guides, classification systems, databases, regulations, and other resources to help your research on biodiversity in New Zealand.