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Biodiversity in Aotearoa report 2020


The report, Biodiversity in Aotearoa 2020, is a stocktake of the biodiversity crisis in New Zealand.

It provides an evidence base for Te Mana o te Taiao – Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020. The report describes the state, trends and pressures on indigenous biodiversity across the marine, freshwater and land domains. It identifies information gaps that prevent the ability to form a complete picture of our biodiversity, as well as some inadequacies in the way biodiversity is currently managed and measured.

Biodiversity in Aotearoa was developed by DOC with input from other agencies and external experts. It's a compilation of existing data and published information on indigenous biodiversity, supplemented by examples from a mātauranga Māori perspective.

Biodiversity in Aotearoa New Zealand report (PDF, 5,940K)


The summary factsheets below highlight the main messages from the report for land, freshwater and marine domains. There is also a combined factsheet for all three domains.