There are four modules. One explaining the safety processes and common procedures for helicopter passengers and three additional modules for helicopter ground crew working with cargo and external loads.
The Passenger safety course is a pre-requisite for the Ground crew courses.
Each module takes between 30-60 minutes to complete.
These online learning modules are to be completed alongside practical training with the relevant helicopter operator.
They do not provide any qualification nor indication of any specific level of competency or currency in work with helicopters. The courses do not replace any helicopter operator’s health and safety requirements.
Read this document before starting work in and around helicopters on a DOC-lead operation: DOC helicopter safety online course (PDF, 256K)
Module 1 – Passenger safety is for people who will be a passenger in a helicopter on any DOC-lead operation. This includes volunteers and contractors
Modules 2-4 – Ground crew are designed for people who will be working with and around helicopters on any DOC-lead operation, including flight preparation, cargo loading and unloading, and working with external loads. This includes volunteers and contractors with the required training and experience to undertake these roles.
This module covers the do’s and dont's for passengers in a helicopter, including:
This module covers preparing for a helicopter flight, including:
This module covers how to safely load cargo for flight, including:
Note: this module is not yet available
This module covers how to safely prepare an external load for flight, including:
Note: These modules are based on DOC staff training and may include references to DOC documents, processes and terminology.
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