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Bird Identification online course


The Bird Identification online course will help you identify the 10 New Zealand forest birds most commonly recorded during five minute bird counts.

What's the course about?

Learning about the appearance, calls, and habitat of the birds will give you more chance of accurately identifying these birds.

The 10 birds are the bellbird/korimako, silver eye, grey warbler, tomtit, chaffinch, fantail/pīwakawaka, blackbird, tūī, rifleman and New Zealand wood pigeon/kererū.
You can use the module in several different ways:

  • As an initial reference tool to learn about 10 New Zealand forest birds
  • As an ongoing resource to refresh your knowledge
  • As a resource to check your understanding

This is a free online course. It takes about 5–10 minutes per bird to complete.

Who is it for?

Anyone who works or wants to work or volunteer in conservation, including:

  • Regional council staff
  • Volunteers
  • Members of community groups/trusts/funding recipients