Get familiar with your idea for a translocation, and with what's involved in moving native plants and animals. Then write an outline and talk to your local DOC office about your idea.
Read the guides and prepare a translocation outline.
We will check that all the key stakeholders in the translocation have had a chance to provide feedback on your outline. This feedback will ensure that your idea is workable, and that you don’t start on a significant amount of work (by developing a proposal) before wider input has been sought.
This step allows all stakeholders, including iwi, to be involved in the project from the beginning.
DOC will discuss your outline with you, tangata whenua, other DOC staff and key stakeholders. A DOC contact person will give you feedback.
If you decide to go ahead, your DOC contact person will discuss further details including support, required paperwork, costs, timeframes and permits.
Complete the translocation proposal form.
(Why are translocation proposals needed?)
If your proposal is approved, you can carry out your translocation.
Evaluate the outcomes so far, and write a transfer report.
Carry out short term management and monitoring at the release site, according to your translocation proposal.