Use this table to check for the optimal time of year for collection, as well as what to look for when collecting native seeds of trees and shrubs. Read this in conjunction with the Seed collection and propagation guide for native trees and shrubs.
Botanical name | Common name | Colour of ripe fruit/seed case | Feb | Mar | May | July- Oct | Nov- Jan |
Agathis australis | kauri | brown cone |
| y |
Alectryon excelus | titoki | red-black fruit | y |
| y |
Aristotelia serrata | makomako / wineberry | red-black fruit |
| y |
Beilschmiedia taraire | taraire | purple drupe |
| y |
Beilschmiedia tawa | tawa | purple drupe | y | y |
Brachyglottis repanda | rangiora | dry brown seed |
| y |
Carpodetus serratus | putaputaweta | red-black fruit |
| y |
Coprosma arborea | mamangi | white fruit | y | y | y | y | y |
Coprosma areolata |
| dark blue fruit |
| y |
Coprosma grandifolia | kanono | red fruit | y | y |
Coprosma lucida | shining karamu | red fruit |
| y |
Coprosma propinqua | mingimingi | blue fruit |
| y | y |
Coprosma rhamnoides |
| ruby red fruit |
| y | y |
Coprosma rigida |
| yellow fruit |
| y | y |
Coprosma robusta | karamu | orange fruit | y | y | y |
Coprosma rotundifolia |
| red/two-lobed fruit | y |
| y |
Coprosma spathulata |
| red / orange / black fruit |
| y | y |
Coprosma tenuicaulis | swamp coprosma | black fruit |
| y | y |
Cordyline australis | cabbage tree / ti kouka | cream fruit | y | y |
Cordyline banksii | bush cabbage tree | cream-blue fruit | y | y |
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides | kahikatea | orange-red fruit | y | y |
Dacrydium cupressinum | rimu | red fruit | y | y | y |
Dysoxylum spectabile | kohekohe | orange fruit |
| y |
Elaeocarpus dentatus | hinau | dark brown fruit |
| y | y |
Elaeocarpus hookerianus | pokaka | purple-black drupe |
| y |
Fuchsia excorticata | kotukutuku | red-purple fruit | y |
| y |
Geniostema ligustrifolium | hangehange | dry brown capsule |
| y |
Hebe stricta | koromiko | brown capsule |
| y | y |
Hedycarya arborea | pigeonwood / porokaiwhiri | orange fruit |
| y |
Hoheria sexstylosa | lacebark / hohere | dry brown |
| y | y |
Knightia excelsa | rewarewa | brown capsule |
| y |
Kunzea species | kanuka | dry brown capsule |
| y |
Laurelia novae zelandiae | pukatea | green capsule |
| y | y |
Leptospermum scoparium | manuka | brown capsule | y | y | y | y | y |
Leucopogon fasciculatus | mingimingi | crimson fruit | y | y |
Litsea calicaris | mangeo | blue-purple fruit |
| y |
Melicope simplex | poataniwha | dry capsule | y | y |
Melicytus ramiflorus | mahoe | white-purple fruit | y | y |
Metrosideros excelsa | pohutukawa | dry brown seed | y | y |
Myrsine australis | mapou / red matipo | black fruit |
| y | y | y |
Nestegis lanceolata | maire | yellow fruit | y |
Olearia rani | heketara | fluffy white seed |
| y |
Pennantia corymbosa | kaikomako | black fruit | y |
Piper excelsum | kawakawa | yellow-orange fruit | y |
| y |
Phylloclladus trichomanoides | tanekaha | cone |
| y | y |
Plagianthus regius | ribbonwood / manatu | dry brown capsule | y | y |
Podocarpus totara | totara | yellow-red fruit | y | y |
Prumnopitys ferruginea | miro | red fruit |
| y | y |
Prumnopitys taxifolia | matai | black fruit | y | y |
Pseudopanax arboreus | five finger | black fruit |
| y | y |
Pseudopanax crassifolius | lancewood / horoeka | black fruit |
| y |
Rhabdothamnus solandri | taurepo | dry capsule | y | y | y |
Rhopalostylis sapida | nikau | red fruit |
| y |
Schefflera digitata | pate / patete | white-purple fruit |
| y | y |
Sophora microphylla | kowhai | dry brown pod | y | y | y |
Streblus heterophyllus | turepo | red fruit | y |
Syzygium maire | swamp maire | red-black fruit | y |
Vitex lucens | puriri | pink or black fruit | y | y |
Weinmannia racemosa | kamahi | capsule |
| y |