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Calendar for seed collecting - grasses, sedges, lilies, flaxes, epiphytes and climbers


View a table of the optimal time of year and what to look for when collecting native seeds of grasses, sedges, lilies, flaxes, epiphytes and climbers.

View a table of the optimal time of year and what to look for when collecting native seeds of grasses, sedges, lilies, flaxes, epiphytes and climbers.

Read this in conjunction with the Seed collection and propagation guide for grasses, sedges, lilies, flaxes, epiphytes and climbers.

Botanical nameCommon nameColour of ripe fruit/seed caseFebMar
July- OctNov- Jan
Grasses, sedges, lilies, flaxes
Astelia grandisswamp asteliayellow     
Austroderia fulvidatoetoewhiteyy   
Carex species brownyy   
Cyperus ustulatusgiant umbrella sedgebrownyy   
Dianella nigraturutublue fruity    
Gahnia species orange/brown/black yy  
Machaerina species orange/brown/black/white y   
Microlaena avenaceabush rice grassbuffyy   
Phormium cookianummountain flax/whararikiblackyy   
Phormium tenaxswamp flax/harakekeblackyy   
Uncinia uncinatahook sedgebrown     
Climbers and epiphytes
Clematis paniculatapuawhanangawhite    y
Collospermum hastatumkahakahaorange fruit yy  
Freycinetia banksiikiekiegreen/yellow fruit yy  
Parsonsia heterophyllakaihua/ NZ jasminebrown/black podyy   
Passiflora tetrandrakohia/NZ passionfruitorange fruityyy  
Metrosideros diffusa or perforata akateabrown capsule yy