DOC manages a vast range of conservation programmes throughout New Zealand. Much of our work is done in partnership with communities and businesses who work with us.
The Backcountry Trust funds and supports volunteers to maintain huts and build tracks for outdoor enthusiasts including trampers, deerstalkers and mountain bikers.
Donate to the Backcountry Trust
This trust works to connect volunteers to projects. The trust has planted over 150,000 trees and supported over 100,000 hours of volunteering.
Donate to Conservation Volunteers New Zealand
This foundation aims to protect the ‘Rarest of the rare’ our most vulnerable species and habitats from extinction. The registered charity provides long term and sustainable support towards high-priority conservation projects.
Donate to the Endangered Species Foundation
Help us ensure a brighter future for kākāpō by donating to Kākāpō Recovery. Your donation will go to the Mauri Ora Kākāpō Trust – 100% of donations go to the health and vitality (Mauri Ora) of this critically endangered species.
Donate to the Kākāpō Recovery Programme
This trust is protecting kea in their natural habitat as well as ensuring best practice is carried out for kea in captivity. Research projects are also carried out to ensure the world’s only mountain parrot will continue to thrive.
Donate to the Kea Conservation Trust
This project aims to plant a million metres of riparian margins. This planting will help to improve the water quality and freshwater biodiversity of our waterways.
Donate to Million Metres Streams Project
This trust is dedicated to protecting our native wetlands and forest for generations to come. The trust manages over 7,000 hectares of reserves which is restoring the habitats for many species.
Donate to the Native Forest Restoration Trust
This trust works to educate the public, protect and breed rare native wildlife species with a focus on breeding kiwi. The charitable trust works to reverse the current trend of many species declining.
Donate to the New Zealand Conservation Trust
The New Zealand Nature Fund (previously New Zealand National Parks and Conservation Foundation) is a conservation philanthropy organisation, working with the private sector and individuals who are looking to invest money in New Zealand’s natural heritage.
Donate to the New Zealand Nature Fund
This project exists to help marine mammals through rescue, action, and protection programs. The registered charity helps with strandings and inspires kiwis to be passionate about our oceans and marine mammals.
Donate to Project Jonah New Zealand
QEII inspires private landowners to protect and enhance open spaces of ecological and cultural significance. Almost 70% of New Zealand is in private land ownership, so protecting biodiversity and heritage on private land is critical to reversing the decline of indigenous biodiversity and preserving our history.
This national charity raises and distributes funds to kiwi conservation projects. Save the Kiwi works in partnership with DOC with a vision to take kiwi from endangered to everywhere.
One of our most endangered birds, the Southern New Zealand dotterel/pukunui is on the brink of extinction. Donate to the New Zealand Nature Fund program to save this bird before it's too late.
Donate to the Southern New Zealand dotterel/pukunui Project
The programme involves DOC’s dedicated takahē team and iwi working with a network to ensure the takahē is never again considered extinct.
Donate to the Takahē Recovery Programme
Trees That Count are a conservation charity bringing together business, community and everyday Kiwis, with the vision of helping plant 200 million native trees across the country.
This education programme encourages young people to plant native trees to help restore natural habitats. Schools, councils, communities, local businesses all work in partnership with Trees for Survival to restore our natural heritage.
The trust was established to increase people’s appreciation and value of our wetlands. The non-profit is trying to stop the trend of draining and filling wetlands as they are vital for maintaining healthy ecosystems.
This is a charitable trust that supports the captive management, research, rehabilitation, and public awareness of our birds of prey including falcon, hawk and owl.
Donate to the Wingspan Birds of Prey Trust