Have your say on an application by Alistair MacLeod and Charles Gallagher for a lease, licence and easement in the Marlborough Sounds Foreshore Reserve. Submissions close 22 April 2025.
Have your say on an application by Mount Robert Foundation for a lease and licence at Nelson Lakes National Park.
Have your say on an application by Ngāti Manawa Custodian Limited to lease land in Murupara (Conservation Area – Murupara, aka Millennium Park). Submissions close 16 April 2025.
Have your say on any changes in status of reptiles in Aotearoa New Zealand. Consultation closes on 21 July 2025.
Have your say on an application by Michael Stocker and Co. for a lease and licence in the Marlborough Sounds Foreshore Reserve. Submissions close 11 April 2025.
Have your say on an application by Barbara Charters to lease land within the Lake Okareka Marginal Strip for an existing private boatshed. Submissions close 5 pm 31 March 2025.
Have your say on a marine mammal permit application by Greater Wellington Regional Council to disturb New Zealand fur seals (kekeno) at Cape Palliser. Submissions close 21 March 2025.
Have your say on an application by Lake Rotoiti Outdoor Education Trust for the variation to an existing lease to move a low ropes course in Nelson Lakes National Park. Submissions closed 17 March 2025.
Have your say on an application by Ngā Waihua o Paerangi Trust for a licence to develop and operate a trail in Tongariro National Park. Submissions closed 5 March 2025.
Have your say on an application by Te Araroa Trust for the construction and use of a swing bridge across the Whangaehu River. Submissions closed 3 March 2025.
Have your say on the classification of a local purpose community reserve. Submissions closed 5pm Friday 7 March 2025.
DOC sought feedback on the proposed topic for our next Long-term Insights Briefing (LTIB). Submissions closed 26 February 2025.