
Existing landing concessions, for scenic flights and positioning recreationists at high altitude landings sites in Westland Tai Poutini National Park, expire in June 2025.

Amended notice

20 September 2024: The original 17ZG(2)(a) decision made on 5 June 2024 inadvertently included 'one-off' aircraft applications. The decision was amended on 19 September 2024 to clarify that 'one-off' applications are not included in the allocation process.

Aircraft landings on public conservation lands and waters require a concession issued by DOC. Existing landing concessions, for scenic flights and positioning recreationists at high altitude landing sites in Westland Tai Poutini National Park, expire in June 2025. We want to consider future such landing concessions in the Park in a fair and consistent way, by way of an “allocation process” rather than by responding to individual applications as they come in the door.

Therefore, DOC is taking steps to “carry out other actions that may encourage specific applications” pursuant to 17ZG(2)(a) of the Conservation Act 1987. These actions include consulting with the existing aircraft operators and working with Ngāi Tahu and others to inform the allocation process.

Temporary restrictions on new applications for regular landings

The process under section 17ZG(2)(a) means that no new applications for landings for scenic flights and positioning recreationists (other than “one offs”) can be considered, unless the application is consistent with the allocation process.

Existing concessions continue according to their current terms and conditions.

What happens next

To inform this work, DOC intends in the first instance to seek expressions of interest for these landings.

Once that has occurred, DOC will use the results of the EOI, along with consultation with existing operators and working with Ngāi Tahu, to determine the precise form of the allocation process.


If you have a question regarding this process email

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