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Mana whenua engagement: Revitalising the Gulf’s marine protection proposals


We requested views from mana whenua on how customary practices could be expressed and supported in High Protection Areas in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park / Tīkapa Moana / Te Moananui-ā-Toi. Submissions closed February 2022.

Marine protection proposals

We previously engaged with mana whenua between October 2021 and February 2022. We wanted to hear views on how customary practices could be expressed and supported in High Protection Areas.

We also wanted to know how Revitalising the Gulf’s marine protection proposals could best respond to the rights, interests, and aspirations of mana whenua as rangatira and kaitiaki.

More about Revitalising the Gulf:

We need to restore the waiora and mauri of the gulf

Consecutive State of our Gulf reports have shown an ongoing decline in the health of the Gulf. Urgent action is needed to reverse this decline.

State of our Gulf 2020 report.

The marine protection proposals is to increase the area under marine protection in the Gulf from 6.6 percent, including the cable protection zone, to 17.6 percent.

Map showing location of the proposed protection areas (JPEG, 763K)

These areas are to provide protection for a diverse range of species and habitats. Revitalising the Gulf’s marine protection proposals include:

High Protection Areas

These will protect, enhance, and restore marine communities, ecosystems, and habitats. More information is available on page 60 of Revitalising the Gulf (PDF, 4,798K).

High Protection Areas will provide for the customary practices of mana whenua. We'll work with mana whenua to deliver the sites' biodiversity objectives.

Seafloor Protection Areas

These will restrict activities harmful to the seafloor and allow for their passive recovery. For example:

  • harmful fishing methods including dredging, bottom trawling, Danish seining, potting, set netting and bottom longlining
  • sand extraction, and
  • mining.

Seafloor Protection Areas will allow activities that are compatible with the management objectives of each protected area.

2 Protected areas

These will be adjacent to Whanganui-a-Hei and Cape Rodney Okakari Point marine reserves. These areas will be established as either two new High Protection Areas, or as extensions to the two existing marine reserves.

Marine reserves create an area free from alterations to marine habitats and life, providing a useful comparison for scientists to study.

Official Information Act

All submissions were subject to the Official Information Act and can be released under this Act. Those with specific reasons for wanting to have their feedback withheld, explained their reasons in their feedback. Their reasons are considered when making any assessment for the release of information under the Official Information Act.


If you have any questions, email us.
