Proposals are not an application for a concession but for DOC to consider options for leasing the area. Proposals will be evaluated and then respondents may be invited to apply for a concession.
It costs $500 NZD to submit a proposal.
Public invited to submit proposals between 9 am Monday 16 March to 5 pm 14 April 2020.
Submissions close 14 April 2020. DOC will then evaluate the proposals and the Minister will determine the most appropriate course of action from the evaluation.
The RFP process ends 12 June 2020.
We aren't able to accept concession applications while the RFP process is ongoing.
Name: Kelburn Community Buildings Reserve
The area you can submit a proposal for covers the:
Detailed description of the Dominion Observatory.
Dominion Observatory site plans (PDF, 1,240K).
You can submit your proposal by email or letter.
Proposals close 5 pm 14 April 2020.
You must include:
Application form and criteria:
Subject Line: Dominion Observatory – Request for Proposals
If the proposal cannot fit into the email contact the Permissions Team.
Department of Conservation, Hamilton Office
Level 4, 73 Rostrevor Street
Private bag 3072
Hamilton 3240
Attention: Darcy Liddell, Permissions Advisor – Dominion Observatory – Request for Proposals
It costs $500 NZD to submit a proposal. You can pay by cheque or internet banking. Proof of payment or cheque is to be included in the application.
Department of Conservation
Westpac: 03 0049 0002808 00
Reference: Okiwi Tender Proposal
Cheques are to be made out to the Department of Conservation.
Dominion Observatory RFP notice (PDF, 622K).
Contact the Permissions Team if you have any queries about the proposal process or the wider process.
Darcy Liddell, Permissions Advisor, Hamilton
Mobile: +64 027 536 6915
DOC wants to consider options for a new lease of the building and four associated car parks. To do this, DOC has decided to run a Request for Proposals (RFP) process which provides a transparent process to determine the most suitable proposal for the opportunity for the Dominion Observatory. This is a process implemented under s17ZG(2)(a) of the Conservation Act 1987. S17ZG(2)(a) has been approved for a period of three months and will expire on 12 June 2020.