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Whakapapa Waste Water Treatment Plant resource consent renewal


Have your say on DOC's application to renew the Whakapapa Waste Water Treatment Plant resource consent. Submissions close 16 June 2017.

Application details

Pursuant to section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991, notice is hereby given that Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council have received consent application (Reference APP-2011014564.02) from the Department of Conservation (as the Applicant) to carry out a number of activities associated with the continued operation and associated improvements of the Whakapapa Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Resource consents are being sought from Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council for the following activities:

  • Discharge Permit to treat and store wastewater and the associated discharge of treated wastewater to land: To discharge treated wastewater that may enter into land via seepage from the floor and walls of the tertiary treatment pond.
  • Discharge Permit to discharge treated wastewater to land: To discharge treated wastewater to land from a constructed wetland via an infiltration area.
  • Discharge Permit to discharge aerosols and odour to air: The discharge of aerosols and odour to air associated with the receipt, treatment and storage of wastewater within the Whakapapa Wastewater Treatment facilities.
  • Discharge Permit to discharge treated wastewater to water: To discharge treated wastewater to water being an unnamed tributary of the Wairere Stream as an emergency discharge during extreme weather events exceeding a 1 in 100-year rainfall event.

A term of 28 Years is sought for all consents.

How to make a submission

Submissions must be received by the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council no later than 4:45 pm 16 June 2017.

Submission form and full details on the Horizons Regional Council website.