Applications closed: Friday 25 July 2014
Applications are restricted to conservation lands outside of national parks and ecological areas, and exclude the Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand World Heritage Area and the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve (White Heron Sanctuary) at Whataroa.
Authorisations will only be issued where the Department’s Director-General is satisfied the proposed method of removing the timber is safe for workers and the public, and minimises environmental impacts. No authorisation will run beyond 1 July 2019.
Read frequently asked questions for more information.
Maps of affected wind-blown forest (PDF, 2,789K). These maps are indicative windblown areas and are not an estimation of the percentage of trees available for recovery.
Note: This links to our Cerberus download site. Get help on downloading files.
Read the application pack (PDF, 2,184K)
Download and complete the application form:
Windblown timber authority application form (Word, 385K) or (PDF, 216K)
Download an example of the application form:
Windblown timber authority example (PDF 494K)
Send your form with all relevant documents and the fee to:
Hokitika Shared Service Centre
Department of Conservation
Private Bag 701
Hokitika 7842
Attention: J Brennan
Applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm Friday 25 July 2014.
For more information contact Aran Naismith or +64 3 756 9138.
Further applications for recovery after the initial application period closes will be assessed on a 3 monthly basis with details of close-off dates published on this website.