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Proposed naming of West Coast marine reserves


The Department of Conservation seeks submissions on the proposed names of five marine reserves to be established on the West Coast of the South Island. Submissions closed: 27 June 2013.

Submissions closed: 27 June 2013

Marine reserves established

Update 7 September 2014: The Minister of Conservation Dr Nick Smith opened the new Kahurangi, Punakaiki, Okarito, Tauparikākā and Hautai marine reserves, totalling 17,500 hectares on the West Coast.

West Coast marine reserves

About the consultation

Notice under Section 5 Marine Reserves Act 1971 of proposals to assign official marine reserve names.

On 7 March 2013, the Minister of Conservation announced that he was seeking concurrence from the Minister of Transport and the Minister for Primary Industries to establish five marine reserves under the Marine Reserves Act 1971, on the West Coast of the South Island.

This notice advises of the following five proposed marine reserve names and seeks submissions from any person or organisation wishing to support or object to one or more of the proposed names (noting that this notice relates to the proposed names only and not to the establishment of the marine reserves themselves).

About the proposed marine reserves

The proposed Kahurangi Marine Reserve (8466 ha) extends approximately 15.8 kilometres from Wekakura Point southwards to near Crayfish Point, and approximately 2.7 nautical miles (5000 metres) offshore from the line of mean high water spring tides (MHWS).
Topo50 Map Sheet BP22, NZTM E 1522000 N 5463000.
View a map of the proposed Kahurangi Marine Reserve (PDF, 1,258K)

The proposed Punakaiki Marine Reserve (3558 ha) extends approximately 10.8 kilometres from Perpendicular Point southwards to just north of Burke Road, and approximately two nautical miles (3704 metres) offshore from MHWS.  The proposed site does not include two inshore areas in the vicinity of Pororari River and Razorback Point.
Topo50 Map Sheet BS19, BT19, NZTM E 1460000 N 5334000.
View a map of the proposed Punakaiki Marine Reserve (PDF, 1,050K)

The proposed Waiau Glacier Coast Marine Reserve (4641 ha) extends approximately 10.7 kilometres from the vicinity of Kohuamarua Bluff southwards to the northern side of Omoeroa Bluff, and approximately 2 to 2.3 nautical miles (3704 to 4200 metres) offshore from MHWS.
Topo50 Map Sheet BW15, NZTM E 1362000 N 5206500.
View a map of the proposed Waiau Glacier Coast Marine Reserve (PDF, 695K)

The proposed Tauparikākā Marine Reserve (16 ha) extends approximately 630 metres from Tauperikākā Point southwards to near the southern lookout on the Ship Creek Beach walk, and approximately 0.1 nautical miles (200 metres) offshore from MHWS.
Topo50 Map Sheet BY12, NZTM E 1289700 N 5147850.
View a map of the proposed Tauparikākā Marine Reserve (PDF,582K)

The proposed Hautai Marine Reserve (847 ha) extends approximately 5.8 kilometres from near Longridge Point southwards to Hacket River, and approximately 0.5 to 0.7 nautical miles (1000 to 1300 metres) offshore from MHWS.
Topo50 Map Sheet BZ09, NZTM E 1210500 N 5092000.
View a map of the proposed Hautai Marine Reserve (PDF, 460K)

How to submit

Submissions must provide reasons for supporting or objecting to the proposed names and if an objection is made, then an alternative name proposal may be suggested. Submissions are to be made in writing to the Director-General of Conservation at the address below by Thursday 27 June 2013.

“West Coast Marine Reserves”
Director-General of Conservation
Department of Conservation
West Coast Tai Poutini Conservancy
Private Bag 701
Hokitika 7842

Or email .

Next steps

After considering any submissions received on the proposed names, and before finally deciding on the names, the Minister of Conservation will refer them to the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) (“the Board”), in accordance with section 5(7A) of the Marine Reserves Act 1971, in order to be reviewed by the Board under section 27(2) of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008.

The date of first publication of this notice is 27 May 2013.

This notice of intention to refer the proposed names to the New Zealand Geographic Board is given by Mike Slater, Conservator, West Coast Tai Poutini Conservancy.