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Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund


This fund supports whānau, hapū and iwi to preserve traditional Māori knowledge and its practical use in the management of indigenous biodiversity. We are currently accepting applications.

About the fund

The Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund is a contestable fund administered by the Ngā Whenua Rāhui Komiti. There are five main aims:

  1. Reverse the ongoing loss of traditional Māori knowledge and practice related to indigenous biodiversity.
  2. Protect, preserve, and promote traditional knowledge, history, stories, and practices of tangata whenua specific to their natural world and resources.
  3. Restore kaitiaki responsibilities to protect the mauri of the whenua and unite the spiritual, cultural, and physical caretaking of our natural resources.
  4. Increase tangata whenua capacity to retain and promote their traditional knowledge and use in managing indigenous biodiversity.
  5. Support tangata whenua participation in management of indigenous biodiversity, consistent with their traditional knowledge and practice.

Who can apply

Individuals or organisations with legal status and representative of a whānau, hapū or iwi.


Project purpose, objectives and outcomes must align with the Fund’s kaupapa and meet one or more of the main aims.

Applications may cover the taiao and taonga species associated with Tāne-Māhuta and the freshwater realm of Tangaroa. These include (but is not limited to) whenua, repo, roto, awa, ngahere, manu, ngārara and ika; and involves rongoā, mahinga kai, rāhui, wāhi tapu and other elements of tangata whenua connection to the natural world. 

Applications for funding will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Extent to which traditional knowledge and practice in relation to indigenous biodiversity management will be protected, restored, or enhanced.
  • Method used to transfer traditional Māori knowledge and practice.
  • Extent to which tohunga, kaumātua and/or pūkenga are involved in transmission of knowledge and tikanga.
  • Extent to which local hapū and/or iwi support the project and their involvement in delivery of the project.
  • Applicant involvement and contribution to the project e.g. in the form of materials, labour, education, or financial contribution.
  • Reasonable and realistic project budget accompanied by quotes, relevant to the size of the grant requested.
  • Likelihood of success – the entity demonstrating the skills and capability to deliver the project.
  • Funding request for up to maximum of 3 years.

When to apply 

We are currently accepting applications.

How to apply

Read through the Guidelines for applicants before making an application. The guidelines give more detailed information to assist you to make a full application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Guidelines for applicants (PDF, 214K) 

Download and complete the application form: 

Application form (Word, 163K)

Your application must include specific supporting documentation. Applications over $70,000 require extra documentation.

Post or email completed applications


Krystal Phillips
Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund
Ngā Whenua Rāhui
63 Carnavon Street
Gisborne 4010

Note: Your application must be signed

Contact us

If you have any questions about the fund or require assistance to complete the application form, contact the Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund Kaitakawaenga: 

Phone: +64 27 390 5183

Note: If you don’t hear back from us within a week of contacting the above email, try contacting Krystal on Sometimes emails get diverted to our spam mailbox and we don’t know. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.