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Successful applications 2023


View a list of projects that were successful in the DOC Community Fund 2023 funding round.

DOC Community Fund

Threatened species and ecosystems

The total amount funded for threatened species and ecosystems is $7,200,000 (excl. GST).

Groups funded to support threatened species and ecosystems
RegionApplicantProject titleFunding awarded (excl. GST)Project description
Northern North IslandBream Head Conservation TrustEcological Restoration of Bream head Scenic Reserve - Next level$118,500Predator and weed control to protect Nationally Critical plant species including koheriki, Northland horopito, and threatened land snail species.
Northern North IslandThe Pukenui Western Hills Forest Charitable TrustProtect Pukenui Pekapeka$107,673Protect and increase the pekapeka tou roa/long-tailed bat population in Pukenui Forest through predator control and monitoring. The predator control will also benefit other threatened species present.
Northern North IslandTe Roroa Iwi - Te Toa WhenuaPredator Free Maunganui Bluff$30,000Investigate the feasibility of a predator proof fence to protect a wild population of Roimata o Tohe at Maunganui Bluff. This will provide protection from goats, pigs and possums.
Northern North IslandWeed Action Native Habitat Restoration TrustMaunga Manaia - Waka Hourua Mātauranga Māori Collaboration$138,280Protect and preserve Nationally Critical plant species including Northland horopito and ramarama through habitat restoration on Manaia Ridge Scenic Reserve.
AucklandMotuihe TrustMotuihe Island Kākābeak Threatened Plant Recovery Project$199,980Restore populations of threatened kakabeak plants on Motuihe Island through plantings and weed and pest control, with the aim of establishing naturally regenerating populations.
AucklandPouteria Charitable TrustTe Matuku Bay / Four Reserves / Pest Plant Eradication$180,000Remove invasive pest plant species from public and iwi reserves in Te Matuku Bay to support Nationally Critical species including matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern and swamp maire.
AucklandMatuku Reserve TrustIncreasing Mauri for Matuku and places for Pekapeka at Te Henga$605,540Predator and weed control, including willow removal, in and around Te Henga wetland to support the matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern and pekapeka tou roa/long-tailed bat populations. Wider conservation benefits will occur at site and downstream. 
AucklandTapora Land Coast Care GroupKia Puawai ai Ngā Taonga o Manukapua Fostering the Birds of Manukapua 2023-2026$271,640Weed removal and planting in wetlands and dunelands to support critically endangered ecosystems and threatened bird species including tara iti/fairy tern.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTiaki Repo ki Pūkorkoro TrustSwalers and waders - Establishing a new reserve in Pūkorokoro$295,166Restoration of natural tidal flows and habitats on remnants of endangered chenier saltmarsh and meadows in Pūkorokoro, benefiting threatened plants and animals. This site is opposite the Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve, adjacent to the Firth of Thames Ramsar site.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPūkorokoro Miranda Naturalists’ TrustRestoring the Mauri of the Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve$110,564Restoration of the Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve which is part of the endangered Pūkorokoro-Kaiaua chenier plain and adjoins the Firth of Thames Ramsar site. This area also provides important habitat for migratory shorebirds. Trust Wildlife Watcher$80,060Develop and deploy smart camera traps in Taranaki to better understand and manage the threats to frogs and reptiles, particularly the Nationally Critical Kupe skink.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiMaungatautari Ecological Island TrustThreatened Species Monitoring at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari$214,705Undertake monitoring and tracking of threatened species including kākāpō, Mahoenui giant wētā and hihi/stitchbird within the 3,000 ha Maungatautari site to support and improve the long-term viability of these species.  
Eastern North IslandWhinray Ecological Charitable TrustMotu Valley Ecosystem Protection Project$161,946Predator trapping and pest control across 2,000 ha in Whinray Scenic Reserve to support several threatened species populations including pekapeka tou roa /long-tailed bat.
Eastern North IslandWhakakī Lake TrustWhakakī Wetland Pest Control Project$113,900Predator trapping in and around Whakakī wetlands to protect threatened native bird species including matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern, Caspian tern and grey duck.
Central North IslandProject TongariroTe Matapuna Wetland Restoration$224,142Control grey willow in the Waiotaka Recreation and Scenic Reserves and the Ngati Runuku Trust block to restore the wetland habitat and protect threatened plants and animals including yellow bladderwort, stalked adder's tongue and matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern.
Lower North IslandHokotehi Moriori TrustKarure/Black Robin Recovery: Preparing Caravan Bush for reintroduction$297,758Operational planning and preparation, including pest, predator and weed control, for the establishment of a secure population of karure/black robin, and protection of other threatened species, on Pitt Island (Caravan Bush).
Lower North IslandThe Chatham Island Tāiko TrustChatham Island Tāiko Conservation$97,630Continuation of predator control and monitoring on the Chatham Islands to support threatened bird species including Chatham Island tāiko, Chatham Island pigeon, Chatham petrel and Northern Royal albatross.
Lower North IslandHawke's Bay Biodiversity TrustNga Pekapeka-tou-roa o Nga Motu Rakau o Tamatea: Protecting and Enhancing Long tailed bat populations in Central Hawke's Bay$95,030Monitor and manage roosting habitat for three colonies of pekapeka tou roa/long-tailed bat to inform best practice management at other priority sites.
Lower North IslandWhatumā Management GroupLake Whatumā Regeneration Project$265,000Weed and pest control, riparian planting, and restoration of the wetland scrub zone and kahikatea forest zone on the lake margin of Lake Whatumā. A native plant nursery will be set-up to provide plants to the site and this work will improve habitat for matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern.
Lower North IslandThe Urban Kakabeak ProjectKakabeak Genetics Conservation and Propagation$45,000Protection and preservation of kakabeak plants (seed and cutting collection) for local projects and future planting.
Lower North IslandAorangi Restoration TrustAorangi to Wairarapa Moana Landscape Predator Control$712,750Landscape scale predator control over 20,000 ha of private land adjoining Wairarapa Moana. This will support the matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern population and aid the recovery of pekapeka tou roa/long-tailed bats whilst supporting other threatened species.
Lower North IslandPūkaha Mount Bruce BoardConservation breeding for release of critically endangered tūtūruatu$530,000Construct replacement breeding aviaries for tūtūruatu/shore plover at Pūkaha enabling increased capacity to better support conservation outcomes of this vulnerable species.
Northern South IslandTasman Environmental TrustHabitat Restoration$267,900Restore Waimea inlet through planting and predator trapping to increase the number of threatened estuarine birds including kotuku/white heron, matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern, Caspian tern, wrybill and black-fronted tern. The Back Beach beetle, shortjaw kokopu, lamprey and other threatened species will also benefit from these efforts.
Northern South IslandProject JanszoonProtecting the unique ecosystems of the Abel Tasman National Park and associated limestone/karst Landscapes$219,400Goat control on private land to protect rare and threatened ecosystems in Abel Tasman National Park and reduce the extinction risk for land snail (Rhytida oconnori).
Northern South IslandNgāti Koata TrustGrowing and safeguarding the threatened Hamilton’s frog and invertebrate populations of Takapourewa.$171,010Increase the numbers of critically threatened invertebrate species including Stephens Island ground beetle, Stephens Island weevil and large weevil, through the creation of a new protected rocky habitat on Takapourewa/Stephens Island.
Eastern South IslandBanks Peninsula Conservation TrustBanks Peninsula Feral Pig Control$250,000Feral pig control in the area surrounding Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve to protect several threatened species including the Lyttelton forget-me-not.
Eastern South IslandSummit Road SocietyProtecting Ohinetahi Bluffs$108,692Weed control in the Faulkner Bluffs area, specifically targeting spur valerian, to reduce the extinction risk to Lyttelton forget-me-not and other rare plants on these volcanic bluffs and rocky outcrops.
Eastern South IslandWaimakariri Ecological and Landscape Restoration AllianceKura Tawhiti$82,500Reduce the risk of extinction of Castle Hill buttercup and forget-me-not, and Maniototo peppercress, by controlling invasive plants and undertaking activities to encourage natural growth.
Eastern South IslandWilding Free MackenzieMulti-region projects: Maryburn Flats, Lake Ohau Moraine and Wetland Complex, Gladstone Flats, Lake Ohau Downs, Pukaki Flats, Lake Tekapo Scientific Reserve$510,000Wilding conifer control across six areas with critically endangered ecosystems such as leached terraces and outwash gravels in the Mackenzie area.
Western South IslandClean Streams Karamea IncorporatedŌparara Source to Sea Estuary Restoration$223,169Control invasive weeds, undertake predator trapping, install fencing, and plant indigenous species at Ōparara estuary to restore critically endangered ecosystems.
Southern South IslandThe Wildlife Hospital TrustVeterinary Care for Threatened Species$300,000Provide hospital-level veterinary care for Nationally Critical bird species including kākāpō, kakī/black stilt, tūtūruatu/shore plover, Salvin's mollymawk and southern New Zealand dotterel.
Southern South IslandBig Bay Awarua Conservation TrustBig Bay Awarua Rat and Possum Control$172,065Establish a bait station network at Big Bay within a 915 ha area around Waiuna Lagoon. Predator control will protect threatened bird species including kotuku/white heron, matuku-hūrepo/Australasian bittern and South Island kaka.

Cultural heritage and backcountry infrastructure

The total amount funded for cultural heritage and backcountry infrastructure is $2,000,000 (excl. GST).

Groups funded to support cultural heritage and backcountry infrastructure
RegionApplicantProject titleFunding awarded (excl. GST)Project description
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiNgāti Tara Tokanui on behalf of Nga iwi ō OpoutereThe Opoutere Reserve. Mā muri ā mua ka tika: From destruction to renewal.$337,070Work with specialists to protect and enhance the mauri of heritage sites, in the Opoutere Reserve and wāhi tapu/urupa area through activities including erosion control, archaeological risk assessment and mitigation, and dune restoration.
Lower North IslandNgā Hapū o ŌtakiTaumanuka heritage project$154,680Establish the presence of mana whenua with the creation of waharoa and pou. This will provide story telling so visitors can respectfully engage with history. It will bring to life the significance of the historic Pa, battle sites and mahinga kai as well as protecting koiwi and wāhi tapu from accidental disturbance.
Northern South IslandTe Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau TrustWairau Wetlands Cultural Values Mapping and Management$276,200Build a more comprehensive understanding of the conservation values of the Wairau Wetlands as a cultural landscape linked to its environmental values and history. Activities include mapping the cultural dimensions of the landscape, building a knowledge base for the future and implementing a programme to monitor, maintain and protect site values.
Eastern South IslandNgāi Tahu Māori Rock Art TrustEcological Restoration at Ōpihi Rock Art Sites$143,208Restore the ecology and biocultural values of a highly modified limestone ecosystem surrounding 14 nationally significant Māori rock art sites. The work includes weed and pest control, native plantings and protecting and managing archaeological values.
NationwideBackcountry Trust2023/24 & 2024/25 BCT Volunteer Work Programme$1,000,000Funding to enable the Backcountry Trust to support volunteers to deliver an agreed work programme in partnership with DOC to maintain backcountry huts and perform track maintenance.
NationwideTe Araroa Trust Inc.Te Araroa Sign Boards$88,600Work with mana whenua and local communities to provide educational messaging through sign boards at 32 sites along the Te Araroa trail. The aim is to reduce detrimental environmental impacts and impart local knowledge.