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Successful applications 2020


View a list of projects that were successful in the DOC Community Fund 2020 funding round.

DOC Community Fund

The total amount funded for all regions is $4.6 million (excluding GST).

DOC Community Fund
RegionApplicantProject titleAmount funded (excluding GST)Outline
Northern North IslandBream Head Conservation TrustBream Head - Remove and Protect$19,975.00Predator control programme trialling smart traps with automatic lure dispensers along with a ground-based operation.
Northern North IslandBay Bush Action TrustNgahere Ora - Stage 2: Protecting Opua Forest$95,310.00Undertake a full field trial and review of AT220 traps.
Northern North IslandBushland TrustBushland Trust and Ngai Takato project to Restore Paper Road to Lake Ngatu Track$56,000.00Plant native trees to create a buffer zone on the edge of Lake Ngatu to prevent runoff from farms.
Northern North IslandHoneymoon Valley Landcare TrustMaungataniwha Ridge Trapline$77,850.00Expand the existing predator control network in Maungataniwha Forest.
Northern North IslandMahinepua Radar Hill Landcare GroupMahinepua Radar Hill Habitat Restoration Project$44,667.00Predator control programme to protect kiwi and kukupa (wood pigeon) within the Mahinepua and Tauranga Bay catchments.
Northern North IslandPupu Rangi Nature SanctuaryKiwi Protection and Native Species Monitoring$38,244.00Initiate a kiwi protection program in the area including monitoring and a predator control programme
Northern North IslandRawhiti 3B2 Ahu Whenua TrustRakaumangamanga Reserves Predator Control$68,000.00Predator control programme over 690 ha on Rakaumangamanga (Cape Brett) Peninsula alongside existing landscape scale work.
Northern North IslandTe Hau Ora O NgapuhiPuhi Moana Ariki$50,000.00Restore the Mangamutu Stream through fencing and riparian planting.
Northern North IslandTutukaka Landcare Coalition TrustHugh Crawford Memorial Scenic Reserve Mauri Restoration$8,368.61Possum, cat and rat control through establishment of a bait station network and trap line.
AucklandAwhitu Peninsula LandcarePredator Free Awhitu Area 1 Zone 1$80,000.00Eradicate possums from the north western area of Awhitu Peninsula.
AucklandLeigh & Districts Ex Services & Community Club IncPredator Free Leigh$27,500.00Predator control in residential Leigh and Matheson Bay.
AucklandMatuku Reserve TrustGrowing Matuku Link$32,640.00Fund a coordinator to continue increasing pest control, monitoring, growing and planting efforts of the volunteer community
AucklandMaungakiekie Songbird Charitable TrustMaungakiekie Songbird$20,000.00Set up a community trapping project and undertake bird monitoring.
AucklandMotu Kaikoura Trust BoardMotu Kaikoura Sanctuary Eco Management$44,632.00Intensify predator control operations, focusing on reducing the number of kiore (rats) present.
AucklandNative Bird Rescue Charitable TrustProject Kereru$35,000.00Fund a second kereru aviary to help cope with the number of kereru being admitted.
AucklandNgati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea TrustAotea Mana Whenua Pest Management$9,108.72Control of rodents and feral cats around the Papakainga areas within Motairehe and Kawa marae.
AucklandOruawharo Medlands EcovisionOruawharo Wetlands and Stream Restoration$70,812.00Predator and weed control, along with water monitoring and replanting to help restore the wetlands of Oruawharo Bay and Oruawharo stream.
AucklandPest Free CoatesvillePest Free Coatesville$24,623.25Set up two community trapping networks in Coatesville Scenic Reserve.
AucklandRoyal Forest and Bird Protection SocietyPredator Free Hibiscus Coast$45,323.25Develop and implement a biodiversity monitoring plan. Establish a predator control network focusing on mustelids and rats.
AucklandTe Whangai TrustAuckland /Tamaki Model$36,000.00Transform a wasteland on Tamaki Estuary into an urban ecological island through native planting and weed control.
AucklandThe Whau River Catchment TrustThe Rosebank Peninsula Coastal Restoration Project Auckland$33,000.00Predator control programme on the Rosebank Peninsula.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiA Rocha Aotearoa New ZealandKarioi Project$30,000.00Expand and intensify multi-species predator control (stoats, ferrets, rats, possums and feral cats) by 200 ha.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiEast Taranaki Environment TrustExperience Purangi Incorporating Purangi Kiwi and Purangi Kokako$50,400.00Check and reset the existing predator control measures.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiMoehau Environment GroupOperations and Community Engagement$43,680.00Continue operating the predator control network across 1,500 ha of northern Coromandel. Engage with mana whenua, schools, and dog owners to deliver educational conservation initiatives.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiNational Wetland TrustRestoring Rotopiko$29,350.00A combination of predator, weed control, monitoring and planting to restore Lake Rotopiko.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiOtama Reserves Group IncOtama Wetland Restoration Project$13,000.00Commission the Otama Restoration Plan which will form the basis of future action to take place at the Otama wetland.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration SocietyRe-establishing Kokako on Mt Pirongia$50,990.00Conduct the annual kokako survey and maintain and expand the current pest control operations.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration SocietyOkahukura Kokako Protection$36,165.00Continue pest control operations at Okahukura to support the kokako population.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPukorokoro Miranda Naturalists' TrustRestoring the Mauri of the Robert Findlay Reserve$32,975.30Continue the eradication of fennel plants and carex divisa (sedge). Plant a hectare of eco-sourced indigenous plant species.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiSanctuary Mountain MaungatautariSovereign of the Sanctuary: Ensuring a Dynasty of Kokako$44,000.00Survey and monitor existing kokako population to see whether a kokako translocation is feasible.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTaranaki Kiwi TrustCommunity Trapping Project$42,000.00Conduct a kiwi listening survey. Continue and expand the existing predator control programme.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTe Runanga o Ngati MutungaTaramoukou ki uta - Taramoukou Restoration Project$48,144.00Expand trapping network, continue kiwi monitoring and undertake a cultural health monitoring programme.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiWhenuakiwi TrustOperations Manager$39,295.70Fund an operations manager to coordinate volunteers and trapping operations and service traps for the group.
Central North IslandAorangi Whanau TrustNga Puhi Kararehe Mana Whakahaere$12,260.00Establish a predator control programme within the Ngati Hau rohe.
Central North IslandBlue Duck Project Charitable TrustTongariro River Riparian Weed Control$13,688.00Riparian weed control in the upper Tongariro River gorge, targeting grey willow and wilding pines.
Central North IslandHALO Whakatane IncorporatedBuilding a HALO$53,400.00Establish 52 km of predator trap lines and bait station lines, forming corridors of contiguous pest management between the Whakatane Kiwi Project and the Predator Free Ohope Spit.
Central North IslandHatepe Residents' AssociationLower Hinemaiaia River Bush Regeneration$9,840.00Regenerate the kanuka-dominant Hinemaiaia bush through control of blackberry and Japanese honeysuckle, pest control and planting.
Central North IslandHoropito Residents and Ratepayers Society IncorporatedHoropito Community Trapping Program$32,780.00Expand the trapping network for rats, stoats, possums, magpies and feral cats.
Central North IslandKapenga F Ahu Whenua TrustPuarenga Wetland Enhancement$5,583.50Protect and enhance the Puarenga wetland through weed removal, fencing and replanting.
Central North IslandLake Tarawera Pest ControlKariri Point Restoration$13,950.00Expand the trapline and replace aging traps. Undertake indigenous planting and construction of bird nesting boxes.
Central North IslandMaungapohatu MaraePredator-free Maungapohatu$10,000.00Build 100 stoat traps to be installed on Maori land and monitored regularly.
Central North IslandMotu Trails Charitable TrustDunes Trail Predator Control$14,080.76Predator control along the Dunes Trail section of Motu Trails.
Central North IslandOpotiki Golf Club IncorporatedRestoration of an Indigenous Ecosystem for Improved Biodiversity$12,000.00Restore 1.5 ha of private land through removal of weeds and exotics, and re-planting with natives.
Central North IslandPredator Free TaupoKawakawa Bay Farm Boundary Trapping Project$29,872.75Establish a predator control programme over 20km in Kawakawa Bay.
Central North IslandTatau PounamuTatau Pounamu Taiao$47,000.00Plant native trees between the Purenga and Waiohewa awa as well as predator control and community engagement.
Central North IslandTe Ao Marama Whakaihuwaka C3ATe Ao Marama Whakaihuwaka C3A Biodiversity Action Plan$4,000.00Establish a predator control programme in Whakaihuwaka C3A and C3B.
Central North IslandTe Runanga o Ngati AwaKorehaha Whakahau$90,000.00Eradicate possums from 4,700 ha of land within the rohe of Ngati Awa using a variety of methods and technologies.
Central North IslandWhakamarama Community IncorporatedPest Trap Library$10,400.00Establish and operate a pest trap library for the use of residents in a rural lifestyle area.
Central North IslandWhakarewarewa Pest Free TrustWhakarewarewa Forest Trapping Expansion$80,186.00Continue predator control and monitoring in the Whakarewarewa Forest. Trial building kaka nest boxes.
Lower North IslandBest Care (Whakapai Hauora) Charitable Trust & Te Ao Turoa Environmental CentrePredator Free Manawatu$75,800.00Install traps and tracking tunnels in the Tangimoana Forest as part of an ongoing initiative by Rangitane o Manawatu to help make the Manawatu district predator free.
Lower North IslandBiodiversity Hawke's BayNga Pekapeka o Nga Motu Rakau o Te Matau a Maui: Protecting and Enhancing Long-Tailed Bats in Hawke’s Bay$40,000.00Undertake telemetry work to determine if the long-tailed bat colonies discovered in the Makaretu area last year are stable or declining.
Lower North IslandBM & EA Tuanui Family TrustSweetwater Coastal and Corridor Restoration$46,517.00Create a corridor to link the Tuku Nature Reserve to the sea, to help protect fledging Chatham Island Taiko and other native birds.
Lower North IslandCape SanctuaryCape Sanctuary Cat and Ferret Control$25,000.00Implement landscape scale cat and ferret control across the Cape Sanctuary.
Lower North IslandEnvironment, Conservation and Outdoor Education TrustSave our Kiwi Hawke's Bay - Kaweka Forest Park$16,090.00Upgrade and expand the existing predator control network in the Kaweka Forest Park.
Lower North IslandGuardians of Pauatahanui InletPauatahanui Inlet Restoration and Enhancement Action Programme$41,989.00Restore Pauatahanui Inlet through planting and pest control on the margins of key habitat areas.
Lower North IslandHokotehi Moriori TrustTaia Landscape - Biodiversity Rehabilitation$50,000.00Weed and pest management to help protect kopi (karaka) groves and Moriori tree engravings.
Lower North IslandNikau Valley Restoration Society IncorporatedParaparaumu Scenic Reserve Community Extension$15,945.80Expand the current 100 ha stoat network in the Paraparaumu Scenic Reserve to cover the full 256 ha of the reserve, a local covenant, and neighbouring properties.
Lower North IslandPredator Free Pukerua BayAT220 Possum and Rat Trapping$5,885.70Establish a predator control programme using AT220 traps across Pukerua Bay to support the local gecko population.
Lower North IslandRuahine Whio Protection TrustRuahine Whio Protection$20,000.00Trap mustelids in areas of Ruahine Forest Park containing whio and other stoat sensitive species, such as kiwi and kaka.
Lower North IslandShane CaveWhareroa Pest Control Programme for Improved Native Biodiversity$7,365.00Purchase 15 AT220 traps, chew cards and monitoring tunnels to deploy on Whareroa Farm.
Lower North IslandSustainable Wairarapa IncorporatedLepidoptera and Coleoptera Monitoring$4,781.00Survey moths and beetles in Wairarapa to enable comparisons over time on the effects of fragmentation and genetic diversity.
Lower North IslandSustainable Wairarapa IncorporatedCastlepoint Lizard Survey$8,289.20Lizard survey to be undertaken by an expert herpetologist at Castlepoint Scenic Reserve, with community involvement.
Lower North IslandSustainable Wairarapa IncorporatedOcean Beach/Onoke Spit Lizard Survey$10,268.35Lizard survey at Ocean Beach/Onoke Spit.
Lower North IslandSustainable Wairarapa IncorporatedRewa Bush - Bird Acoustic Monitoring$3,500.00Set up 10 acoustic units around Rewa Bush Conservation Area, and private land, for ongoing bird population monitoring.
Lower North IslandTe Iwi o Rakaipaaka Inc.Kainga Toiwhenua o Ngati Rakaipaaka$10,000.00Conduct and implement a feasibility study to understand the current situation of the Nuhaka freshwater ecosystem.
Lower North IslandTe Poho o Rawiri TrustWhaia Titirangi$89,450.40Fund two kaitiaki cadets to continue supporting the Whaia Titirangi programme which encompasses pest management, conventional and traditional knowledge, traditional practices and tikanga.
Lower North IslandWharerangi Marae TrustTrapping Balls Clearing (Puketitiri)$17,324.24Continue and expand the existing predator control programme and monitoring of pekapeka (long-tailed bat).
Northern South IslandAbel Tasman Birdsong TrustPaid Coordinator Role$25,200.00Fund a coordinator to run day to day administration of the Trust including volunteer management, financial management, grant applications, health and safety, and public liaison.
Northern South IslandNelson-Tasman Weedbusters IncorporatedBeuke's Bush Recovery$17,610.00Support existing weed control operations undertaken by landowners and Nelson-Tasman Weedbusters on covenanted private land. Seeking to eliminate tradescantia, radiata pine, hawthorn and various weed vine species.
Northern South IslandTakaka Hill Biodiversity Group TrustTakaka Hill National Park Halo Predator Control Project$97,699.00Install traps for predator control on private land in the Takaka Hill area, which forms a corridor between Abel Tasman National Park and Kahurangi National Park. Undertake predator monitoring, bird counts, and whio surveys.
Northern South IslandLinda Jenkins and Larry LumsdenKaiteriteri Korora / Little Penguin Survey$7,502.50Undertake a population and distribution survey of korora (little blue penguins) nesting sites using a penguin detection dog. This baseline data will then be used to determine further conservation efforts.
Northern South IslandLindy Kelly & the Friends of Kellys Conservation ForestKellys Conservation Forest$48,000.00Weed control over 11 ha of covenanted private land to assist with the establishment of new indigenous planting.
Northern South IslandThe Marlborough Sounds Restoration TrustMarlborough Sounds Community Predator Control Projects$86,061.00Assist two communities in the Sounds to begin a predator free movement on their peninsulas (Double Cove and The Wedge Point) to control ship rats, stoats, possums and wasps.
Northern South IslandKaikoura Vines-Free ProjectOaro Old Man's Beard Control Group$39,000.00Old man's beard control with the long-term aim of reducing coverage by at least 75% across 8 ha in the Oaro Region.
Northern South IslandTasman Environmental TrustBattle for the Banded Rail Habitat Restoration$113,426.00Plant and maintain eco sourced natives to restore banded rail habitat in the Waimea inlet.
Northern South IslandSouth Marlborough Landscape Restoration TrustFerny Gair Black Birch Wilding Conifer Control$86,700.00Control and prevent the spread of wilding conifers that outcompete successional native forest (kanuka beech forest) in the Ferny Gair Black Birch area.
Northern South IslandProject De-Vine Environmental TrustProject De-Vine MU-C1 - Takaka River to Onekaka, knockdown of pest vines/weeds$90,000.00Control of old man's beard, banana passion vine, climbing asparagus, woolly nightshade and yellow jasmine on private land to prevent the spread into Kahurangi National Park.
Northern South IslandWhenua Iti OutdoorsWhakahoutanga Whenua me Tangata - a holistic community nature project$27,500.00Extend areas of eco sourced native planting and predator control and create a nursery to provide plants for community. Educate the community about the historical and current biodiversity in the area.
Eastern South IslandAntony JohnsonKaituna Reserve Pest Control$15,346.00Establish a predator trapping and monitoring line within Kaituna Spur Reserve.
Eastern South IslandAshley AdamsMt Oxford$10,000.00Enlarge the trapping area on Mt Oxford to include the whole southern face and add new trap types to guard against trap shyness.
Eastern South IslandConservation Volunteers New ZealandCranford Basin Forest Restoration Project$95,706.00Plant and maintain a predominantly kahikitea native forest in Cranford Basin.
Eastern South IslandMt. Lyford Association IncorporatedEradication/Control Wilding Conifers and Rowans$30,000.00Continue the eradication of wilding conifers in the Mt Lyford area to improve the biodiversity and encourage the regeneration of the native flora and fauna.
Eastern South IslandMt Somers Walkways SocietySaddle Hill Gorse and Broom Control$14,000.00Control the last remaining gorse and broom patches through helicopter spraying on the Mt Somers Track.
Eastern South IslandNew Zealand Conservation TrustProtecting native species in the Carlyle Valley$42,931.60Protect existing native species and enhance biodiversity in the Carlyle Valley. Expand existing trap lines and continue wasp control.
Eastern South IslandProject Peel IncorporatedPeel Forest Restoration Plan$9,900.00Contract an ecological consultant to develop restoration and operational plans for pest animal and weed control for the Peel Forest Scenic Reserve.
Eastern South IslandRoyal Forest and Bird Protection SocietyBoyle Trapping Project$7,995.00Continue to protect native wildlife in the Lewis and Boyle River Valleys through predator control.
Eastern South IslandStyx Living Laboratory TrustCommunity Restoration and Education Hub$14,684.00Convert a shipping container into an outdoor classroom to serve as a community restoration and education hub in the Styx area.
Eastern South IslandTe Hapu o Ngati WhekeInaka ki Whakaraupo/Inaka to Whakaraupo$50,602.00Educate the community and landowners about inaka spawning habitat. Identify potential inaka spawning areas and create habitat restoration plans.
Eastern South IslandTe Runanga o Ngai TahuMahaanui Kaitiaki Ranger$36,378.00Employ and train a kaitiaki ranger to work on biodiversity and predator control programmes.
Western South IslandBob McQuarrieTwo Mile Creek Karoro$5,925.00Trap rats, stoats, weasels, mice, hedgehogs and feral cats on private land to increase the local bird population.
Western South IslandConservation Volunteers New ZealandRestoration Project Pest Control$40,231.50Establish and maintain a predator control programme at Punakaiki coastal restoration site.
Western South IslandDiana McMahon133 Predator Free$4,866.00Establish a trap and bait station network targeting rodents and mustelids over approximately 22 ha of podocarp-broadleaf forest in Kaiata.
Western South IslandDion ArnoldWaitangiroto Nature Reserve and Lower Waitangitāhuna River Predator Control$27,750.00Establish a trapping network for stoats and rats in and around the kotuku (white heron) nesting site in the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve.
Western South IslandKea Conservation TrustFacilitating and Developing Community Based Kea Conservation Initiatives and Partnerships$179,040.00Funding for a community engagement coordinator for multi-regional, South Island wide kea conservation initiatives - including threat mitigation, education/advocacy and increase of volunteer opportunities.
Western South IslandMokihinui-Lyell Backcountry TrustMokihinui-Lyell Biodiversity Enhancement Project$46,278.00Continue predator and weed control programmes under the Mokihinui-Lyell Biodiversity Enhancement Project.
Western South IslandOkari-Totara Trapping GroupOkari River - Totara River Trapping Project$52,738.25Set up a 30km trapline to protect native species between Okari River and Big Totara River and increase the populations of birds nesting in the area.
Western South IslandWest Coast Penguin TrustCommunity Conservation Symposium II$8,500.00Run the second 'Community Conservation Symposium' for West Coast community groups.
Southern South IslandHollyford Conservation TrustThe Hollyford Conservation Trust Ecological Restoration Project$60,000.00Part-fund a project manager to organise contractors and volunteers and communicate with key stakeholders and support other conservation groups in the area.
Southern South IslandLandscape Connections TrustForest Restoration, Building Resilience in our Community$90,000.00Work with landowners to restore native vegetation.
Southern South IslandMamaku Point Conservation TrustImproving Biosecurity$45,500.00Maintain, improve and maximise the biosecurity programme through rat, cat and possum traps and a digital monitoring network.
Southern South IslandMatukituki Charitable TrustMatukituki Valley Protection Project - Alpine Stoat Control$6,600.00Implement more intensive and expansive alpine trapping to better protect rock wren and kea in the West Matukituki Valley.
Southern South IslandMoturata Taieri WhanauMoturata Taieri Whanau Predator Trapping, Allison's Bush$6,760.00Expand the current predator monitoring and control programme at Allison’s Conservation Area thereby enhancing the native biodiversity.
Southern South IslandOtago Peninsula Biodiversity TrustPredator Free Peninsula: Sustaining and Expanding the Gains$62,310.00Continue possum control at Sandy Mount and Boulder Beach and support a pilot mustelid trapping network to target multiple species.
Southern South IslandOtatara Landcare Group Incorporated SocietyBushy Point Restoration Project, Otatara South Pest Control$63,556.00Funding for two projects in Otatara. First, the Bushy Point Restoration Project – restoring 14 ha of paddocks back to bush to join two nationally significant remnants of Totara forest on sand dunes and kahikatea swamp forest. Activities include restoration planting, weed and animal pest control (over 90 ha) education, track maintenance and managing volunteers. Second, the Otatara South Scenic Reserve – pest control activities (rat possum stoat control over 40 ha reserve). Expected outcomes for both projects are improved ecosystem health, increased native bird populations including fernbird, kereru, tui and bellbird as well as public access and awareness raising. These two projects are a vital component of what may become "Predator Free Otatara".
Southern South IslandRoyal Forest and Bird SocietyIntensifying Predator Trapping in Makarora$15,480.00Intensify the existing trap network through a variety of traps and traplines.
Southern South IslandTe Kakano Aotearoa TrustHabitat Restoration$24,000.00Support the growing of eco sourced native plants to be planted in the Upper Clutha Basin.
Southern South IslandTe Nohoaka o Tukiauau Sinclair Wetlands TrustTe Nohoaka o Tukiauau Restoring the Mauri - Sinclair Wetlands$85,760.00Predator and weed control in Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau (Sinclair) Wetlands
NationalCoastal Restoration Trust of New ZealandAct now! Videos and Workshops to Build Resilient Natural Coasts in the Face of Climate Change$168,700.00Raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems through multi-media videos.
NationalMountains to Sea Conservation$199,400.00Grow the citizen science initiative through training community trainers and working with community groups to monitor and restore freshwater sites.
NationalNew Zealand Wilding Conifer Group IncorporatedEmpowering Communities and Iwi to Control Wilding Conifers Across Aotearoa New Zealand$92,300.00Boost community participation in wilding conifer control through facilitating the sharing of information between community groups and increasing awareness of the wilding conifer problem.

DOC Community Fund – Community Conservation Hubs funding

The total amount of funding for Community Conservation Hubs is $900,000 (excluding GST).

Community Conservation Hubs funding
RegionApplicantProject titleAmount funded (excluding GST)Outline
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPredator Free Hauraki Coromandel Community Trust (PFHCCT)Strengthening the Capacity & Capability of Hauraki Coromandel Community Conservation$150,000Build closer relations and connectivity between the community conservation groups in the Coromandel and raise the profile and celebrate the success through a variety of communication material.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiWild for TaranakiWild for Taranaki, a Connected Community Conservation Hub$150,000Wild for Taranaki seeks to build on a strong foundation of collaborative conservation in Taranaki, to foster kotahitanga (togetherness/unity) across the membership and with key stakeholders. Building capability to reaffirm its role as the enabler of collective conservation action in Taranaki.
Central North IslandBay Conservation AllianceEmpowering communities restoring nature$150,000Employment of a Field Operations Manager who can work alongside groups to provide advice, support and training. Funding will also go towards workshops and administration support services. A key objective is developing larger landscape scale outcomes in the region.
Lower North IslandHawke's Bay Biodiversity TrustConnecting the Biodiversity Initiatives in Hawke's Bay - Building a Regional Biodiversity Hub$150,000Connect community groups to share knowledge and provide administrative and financial support and help prioritise projects with the council. Aiming to be the 'go to' place for biodiversity matters in the Hawke's Bay.
Eastern South IslandBanks Peninsula Conservation TrustBanks Peninsula Community Conservation Hub$150,000Support community groups through providing administrative and technical support and developing a funding strategy. Share community groups stories.
Southern South IslandWhakatipu Wildlife TrustWhakatipu Wildlife Trust: A Dynamic Hub$150,000Funding contribution to an Executive Officer so they can continue to provide support and coordination to over 45 trapping groups in the Whakatipu Basin, provide leadership for the Predator Free movement and help fill the trapping gaps in the area.