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Successful applications 2019


View a list of projects that were successful in the DOC Community Fund 2019 funding round.

The total amount funded for all regions is $8,132,783 (excluding GST).

RegionApplicantProject titleAmount funded (excluding GST)Outline
Northern North IslandNew Zealand Fairy Tern Charitable TrustPest Management of the New Zealand Fairy Tern Nesting Sites and Surrounds$20,000Predator control work at Waipu to protect the New Zealand Fairy Tern from predators. 
Northern North IslandIntegrated Kaipara Harbour Management GroupConservation Works Gaps Analysis Project for Kaipara Harbour Catchment$50,000Prepare a report on the current restoration initiatives in the Kaipara Catchment to ensure a strategic and coordinated approach to ecological restoration in the area.
Northern North IslandTe Iwi o Te RoroaPossum Control within Te Toa Whenua$60,725Possum control over 1,400 ha to restore the biodiversity in the lower Waipoua River catchment.
Northern North IslandPukenui/Western Hills Forest Charitable TrustStrengthening our Defence: improving our buffer trapping network around Pukenui Forest, Whangarei$18,575Improve the existing predator control network around the Pukenui/Western Hills Forest to target feral cats, mustelids and rodents. 
Northern North IslandKaitiaki KiwiKaitiaki Kiwi Waipoua - Expansion of Management Area$174,411Expanding the predator control network to increase the area of kiwi protection under management in the Waipoua Forest. 
Northern North IslandPuketi Forest TrustOho Mai Puketi$144,000Predator control of introduced predators to protect the existing kokako population and plan for follow up translocations. 
Northern North IslandGuardians of the Bay of Islands IncorporatedIpipiri Islands Biodiversity Restoration and Implementation Programme - pest free Project Island Song$16,080Develop a strategic ecological restoration programme for the Ipipiri Islands to guide restoration of the island’s biological communities. 
Northern North IslandWhangarei Heads Landcare Forum IncWhangarei Heads Weed Action Community Alliance$56,642Mobilise and resource the community to stop the spread of invasive weeds and protect the taonga of Mt Manaia, Bream Head, Reotahi and Kauri Mountain.
Northern North IslandTe Orewai Whenua Trust Te Orewai Matauranga-A-Hapu Monitoring Proposal  $20,000Host a series of wananaga to develop a value-based assessment framework for the health and wellbeing of freshwater taonga, and monitor the state of the waterways.
Northern North IslandTe Runanga o Taumarere ki RakaumangamangaRussell State Forest Project$114,0009 hapu and 6 marae surrounding the Russell State Forest will develop a 20-year forest health plan to establish the health of the forest and sustain it into the future. 
Northern North IslandMid North Alliance-Bay of IslandsTe Waka Kaitiaki Whenua   $19,980Set up predator control at Mid-North schools and marae to educate and advocate for the protection of native species.
Northern North IslandBay Bush Action TrustNgahere Ora - Stage 2: Protecting Opua Forest$86,000Increase biodiversity protection in the Opua State Forest with multi species predator control. Expand over an additional 252 ha of public conservation land and 16 ha adjoining private land and undertake a scientific trial of the effectiveness of the AT220 multispecies resettable trap.
Northern North IslandNgunguru Sandspit Protection Society IncorporatedNgunguru Sandspit Ecology Restoration Project$18,658Targeting of animal and plant pests to restore the Ngungunru Sandspit’s rare remnant dune ecosystem. 
AucklandWindy Hill Rosalie Bay Catchment TrustBuilding Biodiversity - Windy Hill Sanctuary$146,162Continuation of a predator control programme and development of a bird monitoring report to sustain conservation gains. 
AucklandLittle Barrier Island (Hauturu) Supporters' TrustAbseil Removal of Climbing Asparagus from Cliffs$18,000Remove climbing asparagus from Hauturu's cliffs.
AucklandCUE Haven Community TrustCUE Haven Community Native Forest Reserve$18,650Develop a biodiversity action plan to inform future development of the site and control pest plants.
AucklandRoyal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc. South-East Wildlink$16,958Support agencies and rural landowners to protect and restore forest fragments on their properties. 
AucklandLeigh Harbour Valley SocietyLeigh Harbour Valley Pest Control$15,014Expand predator control and monitoring activity in the Leigh Harbour Valley. 
AucklandRoyal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc.Ark in the Park - Kokako Recovery$19,500Working towards healthy population growth of kokako through banding and an expansion of the predator control programme. 
AucklandPohutukawa Trust New ZealandRestore the Native Flora and Fauna of Kawau Island$10,000Continuation of the existing predator control programme on Kawau Island. 
AucklandMotuihe TrustWeeds, weeds and weeding$72,000Restore Motuihe Island back to the original flora through the war on weeds programme. 
AucklandProfessor Richard Bellamy and Dr Karen ColganPetrel Project - O'Neill and Waitakere Bays$20,000Maintain and expand the predator control programme to protect the major nesting sites of petrels.
AucklandRoyal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc., Warkworth Area branchWarkworth Area Forest & Bird Little Blue Penguin/Korora Project$15,788In collaboration with Ngati Manuhiri, create a safe habitat for native birds, especially little penguins and grey-faced petrels, to thrive along the coast from Ti Point to Goat Island.
AucklandTe Matuku Bay Landcare GroupTe Matuku Bay Scenic Reserve Pest Plant Eradication Project$50,000Halt the collapse of primary plant communities in Te Matuku Bay Scenic Reserve by removing pest plants, focusing specifically on moth plant. 
AucklandMotu Kaikoura TrustMotu Kaikoura Eco Management project $40,000Control ship rats and kiore on Motu Kaikoura. 
AucklandThe Forest Bridge TrustThe Forest Bridge - Hubs Project $100,000Work with local communities and landowners to connect hubs and halos, to help achieve landscape scale protection from the Kaipara Harbour to the Pacific Coast. 
AucklandKotuku Peninsula Charitable TrustKotuku Peninsula Sanctuary - Pest Control and Management$100,000Protect and provide a safe habitat for threatened and endemic species through actively controlling pest animal and plant species within the predator-fenced kotuku peninsula. 
AucklandNorth Harbour CustodiansNorth Harbour Custodians - Rat Control$30,587Rat control on Kawau Island to preserve the native flora, especially the kiwi and small birds which were prolific and have reduced in numbers.
AucklandMataitai Farm TrustNgahere Pest Control$5,000Establish a pest control trap line that will be run by hapu. 
AucklandTapora Land & Coast Care GroupKia Puawai ai Nga Taonga o Manukapua - Fostering the Birds of Manukapua$100,000Establish a predator control line in Manukapua to eradicate pest animals and restore native fauna to the ecosystems. 
AucklandMotutapu Restoration TrustMotutapu Restoration Project$20,000Fund Coromandel brown kiwi egg incubation costs at Auckland Zoo to enable kiwi chicks to be released on Motutapu.
AucklandHobsonville Point Secondary School Pest control groupHobsonville Point Community Pest Control Action$2,000Predator control programme to raise awareness of pest species and increase community participation towards the long-term goal of providing a habitat for native species. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiWhenuakite Kiwi Care GroupOperations Managers$50,280Maintaining the existing 3,500 ha predator control network.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiParawai SchoolRongoa Nga Toi Community Garden$2,000Establish a Rongoa and Nga Toi garden at Parawai school to discover/re-establish the significance of the local wetlands, healing resource trees for the tangata whenua and whole community.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPukorokoro Miranda Naturalists Trusts (PMNT)Restoring the Mauri of the Robert Findlay Reserve$37,356Restoration planting to bring a functioning, biodiverse, indigenous community to the Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiEast Taranaki Environment TrustExperiencing Purangi: Incorporating Purangi Kiwi and Purangi Kokako$55,000Maintain the existing trap network in the Purangi, Matau and Okoki area. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTe Runanga o Ngati MutungaTaramoukou Ki Uta - Taramoukou Restoration Project$18,000Cutting of tracks to support the predator control programme in the Taramoukou Conservation Area to restore the mauri of the Ngati Mutunga forest and wetland area. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiSanctuary Mountain MaungatautariXcluder® Fence Maintenance and Management$183,746Maintain and manage the Xcluder® fence encompassing Maungatautari to ensure that the sanctuary remains pest free. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTiaki Te Mauri o Parininihi TrustParininihi Sustainability Project$94,000Manage, maintain and improve the pest control infrastructure at Parininihi to support the reestablishment of the kokako population in Taranaki.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPredator Free WhiriwhiriPredator Free Whiriwhiri$9,035Predator control programme to protect the significant natural area valleys of Whiriwhiri, Karioitahi, Maioro and Otaua. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTaranaki Kiwi TrustCommunity Kiwi Protection$32,640Maintain and set up kiwi focussed trapping networks in suitable habitat. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiWild for TaranakiBuilding and connecting Regional Biodiversity Hubs: Wild for Taranaki$43,000Run coordinated fundraising campaigns cross-regionally and host a regional biodiversity forum. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration SocietyRe-establishing Kokako on Mt Pirongia$46,230Re-establish a self-sustaining population of North Island kokako on Mt Pirongia, including those with Pirongia genes. Monitoring and predator control will be undertaken.  
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiPirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration SocietyOkahukura Kokako Protection$35,563Controlling pests at Okahukura is a critical cog of connectivity for kokako subpopulations in Pureora Forest. 
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiMahakirau Forest Estate Society IncorporatedMahakirau Forest Endangered Species Protection Project$58,099Intensified and enhanced predator control towards the 2021 goal of sustained, near zero predators, in a mainland forest sanctuary.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiOpoutere Ratepayers & Residents Assoc Inc (ORRA)Opoutere Ecology - Opoutere Bird Saver$14,080Predator and plant pest control to protect Opoutere’s unique natural environment, ensuring the survival of endangered fauna such as New Zealand dotterel, banded rail and kaka.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiWestern Firth Catchment Group TrustForest to Firth Catchment Management$50,000Planting at Wharau and Waitakaruru catchments.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiMoehau Environment GroupMEG's Journey of the Birds$63,183Predator and possum control as part of Moehau Environment Group’s ongoing large-scale biodiversity protection work across the northern Coromandel.
Hauraki-Waikato-TaranakiTaharoa A 7A 2A Trading as Tahaaroa Lakes TrustFencing of the western boundaries of Lakes Rotoroa, Numiti and Tahaaroa$28,000Fence marginal areas along the western boundaries of Lake Rotoroa, Numiti and Tahaaroa. 
Central North IslandUretara Estuary ManagersKatikati Hills to Ocean$19,250Remove or mitigate identified migration barriers for galaxiid fish species in the four streams in and around Katikati township.
Central North IslandUretara Estuary ManagersMaire Tawake Recovery Project$9,600Protect and enhance a remnant population of swamp maire in the Uretara Estuary through the collection of seeds, raising of seedlings and planting.
Central North IslandProgress Castlecliff Coast Care GroupCastlecliff Coastal Restoration Project$15,000Improve habitat and biodiversity in the Castlecliff Coastal Reserve through replacement of invasive weed species with eco-sourced native plants endemic to the region.
Central North IslandNgamanawa IncorporationNga Wai Whakaihi na o Tupuna  (The waters revered by our ancestors)$54,500Eradicate wilding pines in Ngamanawa native forest area and work towards taking over pest control operations in the Opuiaki Conservation Area.
Central North IslandOhiwa Headland Sanctuary TrustOhiwa Headland Sanctuary$29,113Eradicate animal predators across the Ohiwa Headland in order to restore the natural character of the area and create a sanctuary where native species flourish.
Central North IslandForest Lifeforce Restoration TrustPohokura Trapping Network Extension$21,300Extend mustelid trapping in Pohokura to better protect released North Island brown kiwi as well as whio and kaka.
Central North IslandUpokorehe IwiUpokorehe Kiwi Project$42,986Predator control and kiwi management to protect and monitor health of a kiwi population in the Waiotahi Scenic Reserve. 
Central North IslandTe Kura Mana Maori o WhangaparaoaKo Tihirau te Maunga$15,420Implement a pest eradication strategy, initially focusing on mustelids, rats and possums, in order to help restore the environment of Tihirau to its natural state.
Central North IslandMichael Richardson on behalf of Bike TaupoGreat Lake Trail (GLT) trapping line and predator control - Stage 1$19,239Develop a new trap network along Lake Taupo to help maintain predator control measures previously undertaken, encourage existing track users to get involved in predator control projects and get existing trappers to make use of the tracks.
Central North IslandPredator Free Okere FallsPredator Free Okere Falls$13,972Possum, rat and stoat control in the Okere Falls Scenic Reserve and Lake Rotoiti Recreation Reserve, working towards a predator free Okere Falls.
Central North IslandKaharoa Kokako TrustKaharoa Conservation Area Pest Control  2019 - 2021 $33,500Vertebrate Pest Control for years 2019 - 2021 in the Kaharoa Conservation Area.
Central North IslandTe Runanga o Ngati Kea Ngati Tuara Charitable TrustConservation of Horohoro Maunga - Bait Station Trial$18,897Increase the capacity of Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara to undertake pest control on Horohoro maunga by undertaking a bait station trial project and gathering more robust predator monitoring data.
Central North IslandRuawahia 2B Trust (Ngati Rangitihi)Continued control of wilding conifers/ecological weeds on Ruawahia 2B land and the Tarawera scenic reserve (Mount Tarawera)$170,000Continuation of the removal of wilding conifers and other ecological weed species from Mount Tarawera to enable the restoration of the vitality of life, the mauri, the wairua, mana and oranga of the Maunga.
Central North IslandUenuku Charitable Trust (UCT)Pokaka Whio Protection and Restoration Pilot Programme$140,000Support whio recovery in the Makatote and Manganui-o-te-Ao rivers through establishing a network of traps and drafting a management plan. This work will form part of the Pokaka Eco Sanctuary planned by Te Korowai o Wainuiarua with the support of Ruapehu District Council and partners.
Central North IslandTripe TrusteesBettie Tripe Reserve Native Tree Planting$13,125Plant 1,500 natives to extend the existing native stand within the Bettie Tripe Reserve . This will further protect the Mangatipona Stream that runs through the Reserve.
Central North IslandWhakatane Kiwi TrustAn Integrated Community Predator and Pest Control Project for the Whakatane Kiwi Reserves$18,300Expand predator control and monitoring to reduce the risk to kiwi from stoats, feral cats, ferrets and dogs in the Whakatane area. 
Central North IslandTemanea and Takutaimoana Kauika-Stevens Whanau TrustPourua Pest Eradication Project$127,936Eradicate known pests and plant native seedlings to create a healthy native habitat for bird life in Pourua.
Central North IslandKids Greening TaupoKids Greening Taupo$30,000Connect kindergartens and schools of Taupo to work together towards a shared environmental goal. Students lead restoration projects which offer many learning experiences outside of the classroom, including participation on a Student Leadership Team.
Central North IslandNgati WhakahemoEstablishing an Aviary for Bird care in Pukehina Rohe$8,300Training of a bird carer and establishment of the only aviary on the coastal area of Maketu, Pukehina, Matata and inland to Te Puke.
Lower North IslandWhangawehi Catchment Management Group Inc. Mangatupae Restoration Project$20,000Help retire the upper reaches of the Mangatupae stream through retirement of one bush block .
Lower North IslandWaikanae Estuary Care GroupRestoration of the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve Continuation Project$19,708Restoration of the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve through planting of native plants, expanding and updating the nursery, investing in weed clearing power devices and small sprayers, and training volunteers in their safe use.
Lower North IslandWhareroa Guardians Community Trust Inc. Whareroa Farm Reserve Ecosystem Restoration - Blackberry Eradication Project$15,000Long-term control of extensive blackberry that is impacting on riparian restoration and threatening native forest with high biodiversity value on Whareroa Farm Reserve.
Lower North IslandUpper Hutt Branch, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society Old Man's Beard Control, Western Escarpment, Upper Hutt$18,224Continuing the control of Old Man's Beard on Upper Hutt's western green belt, including Trentham Scenic Reserve (original podocarp/hardwood/beech forest) and other areas of strong native reversion.
Lower North IslandFriends of Baring Head Charitable Trust Restoration of Threatened Ecosystems at Baring Head$34,325Restoration of the unique and nationally important freshwater and coastal ecosystems at Baring Head to improve the habitats of rare and threatened species of flora and fauna, including invertebrates, riverine turfs, and native fishes.
Lower North IslandMilson Scout TroopNorthern Manawatu Gorge Predator Control$10,600Introduce youth to the indigenous forests of the Northern Manawatu Gorge by providing the opportunity to lead a predator control project. 
Lower North IslandWhinray Ecological Charitable TrustWhinray Scenic Reserve Species Protection$97,893Protect over 18 endemic species within 430 ha of pristine podocarp DOC Scenic Reserve and throughout 600 ha of private land. Pest control to protect species such as brown kiwi, weka, Hochstetter's frog, falcon, striped skink, whio, long-tailed bat, green gecko, rifleman, whitehead and robin.
Lower North IslandHoldsworth Restoration TrustAtiwhakatu Trapping Project$50,000Trapping to control rats within an area of approximately 1,000 ha of the Tararua Forest Park around Donnelly Flat, Mt. Holdsworth, with the long-term goal of returning North Island Robin to this protected area.
Lower North IslandKapiti Coast Biodiversity ProjectKapiti Mainland Island Lizard Protection Fence Feasibility Study$13,900Feasibility study for building a predator proof fence in order to protect and grow lizard populations on the Kapiti coast.
Lower North IslandCatherine Mary ThomasTaupeka Revegetation Project$15,000Purchase and plant Chatham Island native trees at a private revegetation site on the northern coast of Chatham Island.
Lower North IslandHawke's Bay Biodiversity Foundation Nga Pekapeka o Tamatea: Protecting and Enhancing Long-Tailed Bat Population in Central Hawke's Bay$53,690Find roosting sites of long-tailed bats at two locations in the central Hawke’s Bay: Makaretu/ Ashely Clinton and Tikokino / Gwavas, which can then be targeted for protection.
Lower North IslandRemutaka Conservation Trust2019/20 Mast Event Outcome Monitoring, and Evaluation of the Impact on the Remutaka Forest Kiwi$10,700Monitor the impact of the mast event on the Remutaka forest kiwi population and use this data (and previous mast data - 2014) to inform decisions on future management of the population.
Lower North IslandHans RookAhuriri Estuary Bittern Habitat Restoration Project$4,800Ongoing predator control to protect the threatened species in the Ahuriri Estuary particularly the critically endangered matuku/Australasian bittern.
Lower North IslandTe Matarae Family TrustLake Huro and Te Whanga Lagoon Corridor$50,695Protect Chatham Island forest remnants on the Lake Huro north-east shore and Te Whanga Lagoons western shore. Fencing off this area will ensure that all water frontage on Te Matarae farm will be protected from livestock for native regeneration and planting.
Lower North IslandSustainable Wairarapa IncorporatedCastlepoint Lizard Survey Project$4,700Seeking to further understand the present conservation status of the Wairarapa’s herpetofauna by surveying what appears to be a favourable coastal habitat at Castlepoint.
Lower North IslandPahnui StationPukenui Wetlands Restoration Project$66,101Fence off the existing wetlands in the Pukenui wetland ecosystem and reinstate the connectivity between them.
Lower North IslandTe Poho o Rawiri Marae TrustWhaia Titirangi$52,281Grow the Whaia Titirangi programme to include one new cadet as well as providing training and equipment for new cadets. Extend pest management and kaitiakitanga to more areas of the Titirangi maunga which currently do not receive any treatment due to a lack of resources.
Lower North IslandHohepa Services LimitedTe Whanganui-A-Orutu (Ahuriri Estuary) Environmental Enhancement Plan$12,000Develop and deliver a robust and sustainable pest management strategy in order to produce a predator-free habitat for the Ahuriri Estuary wetland. Initiate a sustainable predator protection template for the entire Te Whanganui-A-Orutu system.
Lower North IslandHawke's Bay Biodiversity TrustProtection and Restoration of Two Acutely Threatened Kahikatea Wetlands - Central Hawkes Bay.$37,200Secure, protect and restore two acutely threatened Kahikatea wetlands in Central Hawkes Bay (Orea Swamp and Omakere). With less than 2% of wetlands left in Hawke's Bay, this project is a timely call to arms for wetland restoration.
Lower North IslandRuahine Whio Protection TrustRuahine Whio Protection$63,646Continue the volunteer led predator control to protect whio and kiwi in the Ruahine Range. Over 2,000 volunteers manage predator traps within the Ruahine Forest Park, on iwi land, and private farmland. 
Lower North IslandHokotehi Moriori TrustTowards a Predator Free Chatham Islands$9,000Conduct a series of trials to reduce predators in the north-east region of the main Chatham Island as a precursor to achieving a predator free environment.
Lower North IslandRongomaiwahine Iwi TrustMahia Peninsula Coastline Biodiversity Project $33,032Targeted predator control at the southernmost coast of Mahia peninsula, to protect endemic coastal species, including the critically endangered shore plover, crossing from nearby Waikawa (Portland Island) to the mainland.
Lower North IslandTe Kauru (Eastern) Manawatu River Hapu Collective - Coming under Rangitane o Tamaki nui a Rua Inc. Hou Totara-Whakapiki me te Matauranga$13,960Support weed eradication and matauranga to further restore the ecosystem and share the history of these sites which are significant to the whanau and hapu. Hou Totara has been progressively restoring and increasing the biodiversity along the Manawatu River and the Hori Herehere reserve.
Lower North IslandNgati Pahauwera Development TrustNgati Pahauwera Reserves Assessment$17,000Assess sites for key ecological and biodiversity values, management opportunities and priorities based on the existing biodiversity strategy for Ngati Pahauwere reserves. 
Lower North IslandCapital KiwiCapital Kiwi$29,600Deploy and service the monitoring system required to enable the establishment of a sustainable brown kiwi population in the hill country west of Wellington and south of Porirua. 
Lower North IslandSociety for the Resilience and Engagement of the Community of Ashhurst & Pohangina, Inc. (RECAP)TRAP - "Trapping Regional Ashhurst Pohangina" as a RECAP initiative of "Manawatu River Source to Sea".$23,613Utilise the local community in a whole-of-catchment pest control initiative to enhance biodiversity in the Pohangina River catchment.
Lower North IslandCape SanctuaryMaire Raunui Protection Project$7,840Protect and enhance one of the largest remnants of coastal forest in Hawke’s Bay by monitoring for species abundance and pest incursion.
Lower North IslandSally PearceTe One Bush Restoration Project$4,325Continued restoration of the Te One bush remnant through control of sycamore
seedlings/saplings and other weeds, growing and planting eco-sourced natives to assist revegetation and predator and wasp control.
Lower North IslandWairoa Community Ngahere Nursery IncWairoa Community Ngahere Nursery Expansion$5,520Expand the nursery to contribute towards the goal of producing 20,000 plants per year.
Lower North IslandTe Puna LimitedTe Huringa o Maungarongo$11,849Clear identified exotic trees and convert into mulch for use in riparian planting of indigenous tree species within Maungarongo. Te Maungarongo o Te Kooti Rkirangi Recreation Reserve is an extremely rare ecological habitat for indigenous flora and fauna on the East Coast Tairawhiti region. 
Lower North IslandRobert and Jan HolmesHolmes Family Nature Corridor$37,000Provide a substantial bush area in the centre of the Chatham Island for bird life to have safe, direct access to move north and populate other areas. This will be achieved through fencing off access from livestock.
Northern South IslandFriends of RotoitiFriends of Rotoiti Trap Network Upgrade$26,444Continue to service and upgrade a trap network in the Nelson Lakes area in support of the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project, and trap predators in the St Arnaud township. 
Northern South IslandFriends of CobbPredator Control and Wildlife Monitoring Cobb Valley Area - Kahurangi National Park$19,900Manage an existing network of 450 stoat traps set out to reduce the impact of mustelids over an area of approximately 8,000ha centred on the Cobb valley. Monitor rock wren, kea, kaka, whio and kakariki in the area. 
Northern South IslandTakaka Hill Biodiversity GroupTakaka Hill Pest Plant Management Programme 2019-2050 $20,000Restore Takaka Hill ecosystems by controlling invasive weeds and creating native habitat corridors between Abel Tasman and Kahurangi National Parks. 
Northern South IslandKaipupu Point Mainland Island SocietyKaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary$112,872Replace existing traps and maintain six monitoring lines across the Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary, a 40ha mainland island sanctuary. 
Northern South IslandFarewell-Wharariki Health Post Nature TrustHabitat Restoration and Predator Control in High Priority Areas of Farewell Spit - Wharariki$59,200Replant native species in two main zones (Wharariki Stream and Wetland) along with the expansion of existing predator control lines to cover these areas. 
Northern South IslandPuhi Peaks Station, Nicky McArthur Family TrustPuhi Peaks Nature Reserve, Shearwater Stream Colony, Hutton's Shearwater /Titi Population Estimate$28,596Hutton's shearwater/Titi population survey. A colony visit post Kaikoura earthquake (2016) indicated substantial colony habitat loss and very poor breeding productivity. The survey will assess these observations with the results helping to inform future management decisions. 
Northern South IslandMana Cruising Club/Friends of Pickersgill IslandMatapara/Pickersgill Island Restoration Project$20,000Restore the Pickersgill Island (Marlborough Sounds) ecosystem by removing invasive ship rats using A24 automatic traps. The Mana Cruising Club/Friends of Pickersgill Island group will then service the traps twice per year.
Northern South IslandKim and Judith Rowe Family TrustRowe Block Restoration Project$124,140Undertake weed control in an alluvial forest remnant in the Moutere Ecological district. Eradicate hawthorn and old man's beard and provide sustained control of remaining weed species. 
Northern South IslandFriends of Hanson Winter ReserveRestoration of the Hanson Winter Reserve$6,600Purchase and install traps to carry out predator control (mustelids, possums and rats), and undertake weed control (Darwin’s barberry, hawthorn, old man's beard) over the 11ha project area. 
Northern South IslandTe Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Inc (the Society)Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon$18,000Restore the Grovetown Lagoon to enhance the habitat for fish and bird life, and to enable the gathering of food and encourage recreational uses. 
Northern South IslandThe Marlborough Sounds Restoration TrustWorking with Communities to Build Ecological Resilience in the Marlborough Sounds. $9,300Harness the enthusiasm of local landowners to improve habitat for native wildlife in the Marlborough Sounds through improved predator control. The Trust will trial a subscription-based model for funding sustainable pest control. 
Northern South IslandMarlborough Sounds Restoration TrustWilding Pine Control in the Marlborough Sounds 2019-20.$91,081Carry out wilding pine control in the outer Queen Charlotte Sound, outer Pelorus Sound and on D'Urville Island in the 2019-20 season. 
Northern South IslandRoyal Forest & Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc Te Hoiere Bat Recovery Project$17,860Protect the habitat of the long-tailed bat/pekapeka by expanding the predator control network in the Pelorus catchment. 
Northern South IslandProject De-Vine Trust in partnership with Tasman Environmental TrustInvasive Weed Management Abel Tasman National Park Southern Halo MU-H – Riwaka River to Marahau  $159,730Prevent the spread of old man's beard, banana passion vine, Douglas fir and other invasive weeds into Abel Tasman National Park. 
Northern South IslandTasman Environmental TrustFarmers for Whio$71,253Install and maintain a landowner supported trap network to control mustelids to assist with whio protection. This will also act as a halo to predator control in Kahurangi National Park. 
Northern South IslandKaikoura Ocean Research Institute Inc. (KORI)Abundance and Distribution of Little Penguins Along the Wider Kaikoura Coastline$8,600Conduct surveys for little penguins along the Kaikoura coastline from Waipapa Bay to the Conway River. Understand little penguin abundance and distribution so that actions may be taken to protect them. 
Eastern South IslandSian's Bush Block Sian's Bush Block$7,161Bring back native plant and bird life and teach local youth how to trap pests and identify native birds and plants. Long-term goal of handing over the project to the community.
Eastern South IslandArthur's Pass Wildlife TrustArthur's Pass Predator Free$79,040Expand the current trapping programme in terms of number of traps and frequency of trap checking to enable native wildlife to flourish in Arthur's Pass National Park.
Eastern South IslandOrari River Protection GroupOrari River Gorge Trapping Project$2,673Continue the successful trapping and native vegetation regeneration project in the Orari Gorge.
Eastern South IslandWorking Waters TrustProject Keep our Kowaro$12,900Continue the successful restoration of a healthy kowaro (Canterbury mudfish) population to Tuhaitara Coastal Park, North Canterbury.
Eastern South IslandNorth Canterbury Branch of the New Zealand Deer Stalkers Association (NZDA)Lewis River Good Nature A12 Possum Trap Line$3,609Supplement the current stoat trap line with possum traps to further reduce the predator burden on the bird population.
Eastern South IslandBanks Peninsula Conservation TrustPest Free Banks Peninsula$155,000Make Banks Peninsula effectively pest free by 2050. The primary outcome is to protect and enhance the Peninsula’s unique native habitats and species.
Eastern South IslandCoastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand in collaboration Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara TrustRestoration of a Native Forest Coastal Sequence, Tuhaitara Coastal Park, North Canterbury$170,812Set up a demonstration ‘restored native coastal forest sequence’ that was typical of north Canterbury. Replace logged pines and marginal pasture with foredunes of sandbinders, mid-zone coastal shrublands, wetlands and lagoons, and landward coastal podocarp forest.
Eastern South IslandPredator Free AorakiPredator Free Aoraki - Alpine Trapping Establishment $8,900Establish and maintain new traplines in the alpine zone of Aoraki Mount Cook National Park to protect indigenous alpine birds, especially tuke/rock wren, from predation from introduced mustelids.
Eastern South IslandConservation Volunteers New ZealandCanterbury and West Coast Wasp Wipeout Extension programme$50,060Extend the successful wasp control operations in Nelson/Tasman areas - and the Canterbury region. The Vespula wasp species have a significant impact on endemic biodiversity. 
Western South IslandBuller Conservation Volunteers Trust Tauranga Ko Matarae Restoration Project$49,424Restore the land-based ecosystem on the Tauranga Bay Headland to enhance the biodiversity of the area. This will be done through planting native plants as well as predator and weed control. 
Western South IslandBuller Conservation Volunteers Trust Orowaiti River Mouth Ecosystem Restoration Project$19,335Revegetate a 50-metre strip covering 9.1ha on the Orowaiti estuary, restore land-based ecosystem for weka, and other species, and enhance the tidal estuary ecosystem - to create a buffer between pastoral land and estuary to inhibit nutrient run-off. Pest animal and weed control will be carried out.
Western South IslandOkarito Community AssociationOkarito Lagoon Predator Control Programme$30,000Maintain near predator-free status of coastal forests and wetlands of Okarito Lagoon (no resident possums, rats or stoats). Also maintain sustained control over the eastern side of the lagoon and Okarito village to complement DOC predator control in the Okarito rowi sanctuary. 
Western South IslandWest Coast Penguin TrustThriving Seabirds along a Thriving Coast$176,346Conserve penguins and other threatened seabirds on the West and better understand threats, both on land and at sea, so that practical actions can be taken. Continuation of predator trapping and developing and expanding education and awareness initiatives so that the behaviours of the community support the conservation of these species.
Western South IslandCoast Road Dawn ChorusLandscape Control of Stoats along State Highway 6 of the Barrytown Flats$27,042Install and manage an 18.5km stoat trapline along State Highway 6 with stoat/rat traps at 100m intervals. Help protect native birds in adjoining public conservation land, privately owned native bush, agricultural land and the coastal strip.
Western South IslandGlacier Valley Eco Tours LtdProject Early Bird$19,906Install approximately 210 DOC200 traps (over 3 years) around Lake Gault in Fox Glacier. Reduce predation on kiwi chicks by decreasing the predators in this area. This will also lead to an increase in other bird life, especially the fernbird. 
Western South IslandRoss Community Society Inc (RCS)Ross Water and Bird Sanctuary$17,334Set up a network of mixed-use trapping tracks in the Jones Creek catchment area and install traps to target possums, rats and stoats. Ross youth will be involved in these activities. 
Western South IslandMokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust (MLBT)Mokihinui-Lyell Biodiversity Enhancement Project $90,325Focus on predator and weed control efforts along The Old Ghost Road covering land recently added to the Kahurangi National Park. 
Western South IslandSouth Westland Area School (SWAS)South Westland Area School revegetation$14,940Revegetate 'surplus' areas of the school grounds that are currently mown or just rough grassed. Areas will be retired and planted with native plants. Most of the planting and nursery activity will be undertaken by students
Western South IslandConservation Volunteers NZ Hokitika Nursery and Wetland Restoration Project$95,290Collaborative project to undertake a program of weed control, earth moving and native planting that contributes to the enhancement of wading bird and inanga habitat in tidal areas at Wadeson Island.
Western South IslandThe Paparoa Wildlife TrustRoaring Meg Predator Control Project$84,050Maintain and expand existing predator control network in south-eastern Paparoa. 
Western South IslandDavid MoorePredator Free 3408B$4,547Predator trapping to wipe out rats and stoats from 4ha of West Coast bush to protect native birds and regenerating forest. 
Southern South IslandKelvin Peninsula Community Association (KPCA) Pest Control GroupKPCA Pest Busters Team - Area Extension$2,500Install traps in a new 3km trapline in Deerpark Heights that will run in parallel to the existing lakeside line.
Southern South IslandMamaku Point Conservation TrustAdditional Traps and Celium Nodes$14,555Add 90 new Celium nodes, plus an additional Celium mini hub to the Trust’s remote monitoring network, so that all traps can be cleared quickly once activated. 50 DOC 200 full stainless traps to be added to existing bait lines and replace old traps.
Southern South IslandQueenstown Hill TrappingQueenstown Hill Predator Trapping$6,551Help conserve the biodiversity of Queenstown Hill by identifying then trapping predators. 
Southern South IslandRouteburn Dart Wildlife TrustGreenstone Road (Kinloch to Elfin Bay) Trap Line $19,925Target predators (hedgehogs) that are advancing up the west and east sides of Lake Wakatipu and stop them getting into the valleys north of the lake. This new trapline will be to the south of Kinloch and will help protect the west side of the lake.
Southern South IslandRakiura Maori Lands TrustThe Neck Restoration Project: Animal Pest Control$156,600Perform systematic pest control at The Neck (Stewart Island) to reduce predation of vulnerable native bird species, increase the abundance and diversity of flora vulnerable to rat and deer browse and reduce the risk of rat migration to Ulva Island.
Southern South IslandPomona Island Charitable TrustProtecting Kea, Kiwi, and Volunteers - Equipment Upgrade Project$17,816Kea-proof traps on Pomona and Rona Island and the adjacent mainland to minimise the risk of kea deaths; protect the health and safety of volunteers through purchase of new radios and batteries; and protect kiwi through the purchase of cameras to detect pest species. 
Southern South IslandNew Zealand National Parks and Conservation FoundationFreeman Burn Valleys Project$81,500Install 360 traps to establish predator control the length of the Freeman Burn from Lake Manapouri to Lake Minerva .
Southern South IslandFiordland Trails TrustWeed Control Adjacent to Lake2Lake Trail$20,000Continue the control of invasive weed species (Darwin's barberry and Cotoneaster) at Manapouri  and at the Te Anau end of the Lake2Lake Trail. 
Southern South IslandFiordland Conservation TrustConservation Connections$12,275Improve collaboration between community conservation groups in Fiordland. Develop active relationships with groups and explore how working better together can lead to a more integrated and effective approach to biodiversity conservation in the region.
Southern South IslandThe Diamond Lakes Conservation TrustGreat Diamond Lake Predator Control$14,247Extend trap lines, purchase bait and perform trap maintenance and/or trap replacement. 
Southern South IslandBig Bay Awarua Conservation TrustBig Bay Awarua Conservation Project$19,025Predator control over 1,000 ha at Big Bay, South Westland.
Southern South IslandHollyford Conservation Trust - Te Roopu Manaaki o Whakatipu WaitaHollyford Conservation Project 2020/2022 - monitoring and predator control operations $133,000Monitor and control rodents, stoats and possums to enable translocations of native species previously found in the area, and monitor native species to measure progress in order to provide ecological restoration within a 2,600 ha project area in the Lower Hollyford Valley.
Southern South IslandMohiki TrustStage 3 - Reforestation Richards Beach Cromwell$8,424Remove exotic weeds from within a 4.5 ha site at Richards Beach, Lake Dunstan and re-plant with native plants. 
Southern South IslandQuarantine Island Kamau Taurua Community Inc (QIKTC)Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity on Quarantine Island Kamau Taurua$19,850Protect, learn about, and enhance the island’s biodiversity through revegetation, weed and pest control. The remnant forest, regenerating bush and birds, insects and lizards on the Island are threatened by weeds, rats and mice. 
Southern South IslandThe Mohua Charitable TrustSeabird Restoration on Coal Island/ Te Puka-Hereka Preservation Inlet, Fiordland$8,530Re-introduction of several species of relict and at-risk seabirds to Coal Island/ Te Puka-Hereka in Fiordland by anchoring them to the island via sound systems.
Southern South IslandThe Mohua Charitable TrustTranslocation of tieke (South Island saddleback) to Coal Island/ Te Puka-Hereka in Preservation Inlet, Fiordland$24,705Translocate endangered tieke (South Island Saddleback) to Coal Island/ Te Puka - Hereka, providing further security for this threatened species. 
Southern South IslandTe Nohoaka o Tukiauau/Sinclair Wetlands TrustKaitiakitanga, no Place for Weeds and Pests at Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau$219,000Reduce invasive weeds and pests that adversely affect wetland biodiversity. Crucial component in restoring this 315ha wetland and helps empower mana whenua to exercise kaitiakitanga over the wahi taonga and the taonga that live at Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau/Sinclair Wetlands. 
Southern South IslandFriends of Tucker Beach Wildlife Management Reserve SocietyNative Plant Restoration$20,000Restore indigenous biodiversity through native planting in the Tucker Beach Wildlife Management Reserve. 
Southern South IslandTomahawk Smaills Beachcare Trust (TSBT)Tomahawk Smaills Restoration Project$19,500Restore the habitat and biodiversity of the active sand dune ecosystem in and around the Tomahawk Smaills beaches. The Trust has a productive nursery growing locally sourced seedlings and holds regular and well supported community planting days.
Southern South IslandTe Runanga o Ngai Tahu Kaitiaki o Katiki (Katiki Ranger)$55,200Extend the existing Kaitiaki's role to continue the important mahi happening at Katiki Point including implementing a reserve and wildlife management work programme, visitor management, ecological restoration, and communicating cultural and wildlife values.
Southern South IslandMilford Sound Lodge LimitedPiopiotahi Ecosystem Restoration Project$107,374Provide a managed integrated approach to predator control comprising the best practice techniques to help ensure resilience of the iconic biodiversity of the area, which includes several rare and endangered species (e.g. Fiordland tokoeka, whio, kea, kaka, boulder butterfly and other invertebrates).
Southern South IslandOmaui Ahu Whenua TrustPest Free Omaui$50,000Restore and enhance the natural ecology of the Omaui area, a historical site with Maori and early settlers. This will be achieved with plans related to revegetation and pest control.
Southern South IslandAspiring Biodiversity Trust (ABT)Makarora Catchment Threatened Species Project - from Ridge to River$69,600Enhance and restore indigenous threatened species and their habitats within the Makarora Catchment; "from ridge to river". 1. braided river for wrybill, black-fronted tern, black-billed gull, banded dotterel. 2. beech/ podocarp forest for kaka, mohua, long-tailed bat. 3. upper river for whio. 4. alpine environment for kea and rock wren.
Southern South IslandWanaka Backyard Trapping  Upper Clutha Trapping$14,406Augment community led predator trapping efforts in the Upper Clutha urban and peri-urban “Backyard”, on local council and DOC land. 
Southern South IslandNick LoughnanEnhancement of Land on Galloway Flat Adjacent to DOC Rail Trail with Native Vegetation$3,750Plant 100 trees per year for three years with protective rabbit netting on 3 km strip of land adjacent to DOC rail trail, Alexandra.  
Southern South IslandWhakatipu Wildlife TrustConservation Leadership in the Wakatipu Basin$70,000Provide leadership across the Wakatipu Basin to fill gaps in the region’s predator control community-led activities by providing vision, coordination, support and a big picture approach to both community-wide and district level predator control groups. 
NationalBirds New ZealandNew Zealand Bird Atlas Project Coordination$131,040Project coordination for the New Zealand Bird Atlas project; a citizen science project aiming to record the distribution and abundance of our country's birds. Building on the legacy of the two previous Atlas projects, providing a 50-yr assessment of population trends across all of the country's birds. 
NationalTane's Tree TrustTraining Videos and Workshops for Best-Practice Restoration of Indigenous Ecosystems by Planting and Natural Regeneration$95,634Deliver free, instructional training videos, accessible via mobile devices and websites, along with field-based workshops, on restoration of our indigenous ecosystems in collaboration with community groups, iwi and landowners. 
NationalYellow-eyed Penguin Trust (YEPT)Facing Extinction: Increasing the Conservation Effort for Hoiho$312,180Urgent action is required to reverse the decline of the endangered hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin. The Trust’s conservation efforts will be expanded to assist the survival of this species, threatened from marine and terrestrial impacts across their mainland range.
NationalMAIN Trust NZWhitebaitWatch Monitoring Kit$20,000Produce a Whitebait Database and monitoring kit for local community and school groups involved in spawning site surveys and river restoration work nationwide. The database will provide a central place for community records and help to support the expansion of citizen science activity and awareness of whitebait conservation needs.
NationalHihi Conservation Charitable Trust (HCCT)Returning a Ray of Sunshine to New Zealand's Forests: a National Partnership to Recover Hihi.$244,800Use a collaborative approach to work with community groups and mana whenua to increase hihi numbers and refine recovery methods. This will include translocations and support to employ one person to coordinate the collection of nationally consistent data to enable strategic learning.
NationalWildlife Hospital TrustHoiho/Yellow-eyed Penguin Veterinary Care at Wildlife Hospital, Dunedin$165,000Provide hospital care for hoiho, including emergency treatment for predator-inflicted injuries, trauma, diphtheria, malaria, and starvation, and hand-rearing chicks at risk of disease or starvation. Strategic intervention and application of veterinary techniques assist the recovery of wild hoiho populations.
Total funding$8,132,783