In 2024, an online funds management system called “Enquire” was introduced as a reporting tool for the DOC Community Fund (DOCCF). For all projects funded after 2023 Grantees will need to use Enquire to report on their projects. Earlier projects will continue to use the previous reporting requirements. Both processes are outlined below.
All Grantees will receive an invitation to join Enquire. Once your project is set up in Enquire you will receive a notification each time a report is due.
You can access Enquire using the link below:
You can find additional guidance on how to use Enquire:
Guide to submitting a report through Enquire (PDF, 318K)
You'll be required to submit a progress report every six months. Submitting your report triggers the next grant instalment.
Complete the six-monthly progress report template. This template enables you to report on the progress made on your project, including activities completed and achievement of key milestones.
Progress report and payment claim form (Word, 355K)
Complete the final report if your project has been completed. This template includes a section for you to provide us with key statistics/data in relation to your project.
Final progress report and payment claim form (Word, 426K)
Use this to list the expenses you have incurred in the delivery of your project – remember to keep track of any invoices that you'll be seeking reimbursement for. You can use the same document for the full duration of your project.
Summary of expenses form (XLS, 57K)
Copies of invoices/receipts to verify all expenditure incurred in the delivery of the project during the reporting period. This should correlate with the information on the ‘summary of expenses’. Copies of invoices/receipts to verify all expenditure incurred in the delivery of the project during the reporting period. This should correlate with the information on the ‘summary of expenses’.
Submit an invoice with your progress report (the deed of grant confirms the schedule of payments for your project). Invoices should be made out to ‘DOC Community Fund’ and include the DOCCF reference number of your project (eg, DOCCF4-056).
You may use your own invoice, or the sample template provided.
DOC sample invoice for applicants who are:
Submit your progress report and claim by email to
If you have any questions about how to complete your progress report, contact the Funds Team:
Phone: 0800 86 20 20