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Tools for environmental action


Use this resource to plan and carry out successful environmental action, alongside your local community.

This resource is part of the Protecting your environment series, to encourage primary and intermediate students to go outdoors, explore and connect to a local green space.

Published: 2017

Download the resource

Tools for environmental action cover.

Tools for environmental action (PDF, 3,029K)

Inquiry cycle for working through the 'In the environment' resources (PDF, 421K)

Learning outcomes

Using this resource students can:

  • plan and carry out successful action to address an environmental issue alongside their community 
  • monitor and review their environmental action 
  • begin to understand how their action has an impact on the wider ecosystem.

Activity sheets

These activity sheets can be edited:

Curriculum links

Level 1-3 Technology

Technological practice: Planning for practice

  • L1: Outline a general plan to support the development of an outcome identifying appropriate steps and resources.
  • L3: Undertake planning to identify the key stages and resources required to develop an outcome. Revisit planning to include reviews of progress and identify implications for subsequent decision making.

Technological practice: Brief development

  • L1: Describe the outcome they are developing and identify the attributes it should have, taking account of the need or opportunity and the resources available.
  • L3: Describe the nature of an intended outcome, explaining how it addresses the need or opportunity. Describe key attributes that enable development and evaluation of an outcome.

Nature of technology: Characteristics of technology

  • L2: Understand that technology both reflects and changes society and the environment and increases people’s capability.

Level 1-4 Science

Nature of Science: Participating and contributing

  • L1 & 2: Explore and act on issues and questions that link their science learning to their daily living.
  • L3 & 4: Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions

Science capabilities

  • Gather and interpret data
  • Use evidence
  • Critique evidence
  • Interpret representations
  • Engage with science

Level 1-4 Health

Healthy communities and environments: Community resources

  • L1 & 2: Identify and use local community resources and explain how these contribute to a healthy community.
  • L3 & 4: Participate in community events and describe how such events enhance wellbeing of the community.

Healthy communities and environments: Rights, responsibilities and laws; People and the environment

  • L1: Take individual and collective action to contribute to environments that can be enjoyed by all.
  • L3: Plan and implement a programme to enhance an identified social or physical aspect of their environment.

Learning levels

  • Primary
  • Secondary 


  • Forests and green spaces

Curriculum learning areas

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Health and PE 


Webinars are available to view on the Science Learning Hub website. They use the Exploring your local environment resources to model how conservation education can support student inquiry into a local green space:

Special thanks to Science Learning Hub for partnering with us to deliver these fantastic webinars.