Published: 2015
Students are introduced to the tāiko/black petrel and then extend their learning inquiry to investigate and research gannets/tākapu, little blue penguins/kororā and red-billed gulls/tarāpunga.
The resource has been developed for year 5-8 primary teachers, with a New Zealand context.
It incorporates aspects of Te Ao Māori and addresses science, social science, English, mathematics and environmental education/ education for sustainability objectives from across the NZ Curriculum.
Download the tāiko/black petrel education resource and supporting material:
This resource will build foundations for:
The following values, key competencies and principles are incorporated into the resource:
Values: Ecological sustainability; Respect; Inquiry and curiosity; Innovation; Diversity; Community and participation
Key competencies: Thinking; Using language, symbols and text; Managing self; Relating to others; Participating and contributing
Principles: Learning to learn, Cultural diversity, Community engagement, Future focus
Achievement objectives from relevant subject areas are listed in the teacher notes of each activity. Specific
learning intentions and success criteria deriving from the AO's are listed in each learning experience.
The following subject areas and strands are included in the resource:
Nature of Science: Understanding about science, Investigating in science, Communicating in science, Participating and contributing
Living world: Life processes, Ecology
Social studies
Processes and strategies: Listening, Reading and Viewing and Speaking, Writing and Presenting
Technological Practice: Brief development
Minor links to:
Mathematics, Health, The Arts, Education for sustainability/ Environmental education