Search and rescue scenario role play
Rangers outline emergency search and rescue management processes in New Zealand and the park. Then they structure a scenario where students take on roles to retrieve a missing class member.

Senior students could replace the role play with a study of planning, systems, and equipment.


Year groups: 1-13
Curriculum levels: 1-8

Learning areas

Learning Area*




A.S. independent research

Social Studies

Understand leadership in groups

Understand events have causes and effects

Health and PE

(A.S. 1.7, 2.6, 2.7)

Personal Health and Physical Development

Safety management (multiple AO)

Movement concepts and motor skills

Science and technology (multiple AO)

Relationships with other people

Relationships and interpersonal skills(multiple AO)

Healthy Communities and Environments

Rights responsibilities and laws (multiple AO)


Nature of technology

A.S. 1.6

Characteristics of technology,

Characteristics of technological outcomes (multiple AO)

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore, we can adapt. 

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • be aware of risks in the outdoors and safety systems available (intentions)
  • take on roles and manage personal interactions
  • be aware of agencies and emergency management systems in New Zealand.

Key competencies

Thinking, managing self and contributing


Location: Emergency services depot, end of Kitchener Drive, Aoraki/Mount Cook Village
Duration: 1 hour
Hazard level: Minimal
Cost: LEOTC fee