Kea Point Track field trip
Students walk up this track through subalpine grasses and shrub land to the Mueller Glacier moraine wall.

They pass through a landscape that was formed in 1913 when a stream broke through from the glacier to flood the original Hermitage Hotel site.

This is the ideal location to study zonation and is a quick and simple way to view glacial features.


Year groups: 1-13
Curriculum levels: 1-8

Learning areas

Learning Area*



The Arts

Visual Arts

Developing practical knowledge


Understanding the impact of people on the natural environment

Glacial landscapes and processes A.S. 2.1

Managing resources, sustainability


Different uses of place, records of the past

Health and PE

Movement concepts and motor skills

Positive Attitude, willingness to accept challenges B2


Living World

Life processes, Ecology, Evolution (multiple AO)

Planet Earth and Beyond

Interacting Systems – water cycle (multiple AO)

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore, we can adapt. 

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • make links between physical environment and human activity
  • recognise some glacial features
  • experience moving through the natural environment of the national park.

Key competencies

Managing self and relating to others


Location: Track starts at Aoraki/Mount Cook Village or the Hooker Valley carpark
Duration: 1-2 hours
Hazard level: Moderate – loose gravel, some steep uneven ground, cold
Cost: LEOTC fee