Birch Hill Station historic study
There are a number of old homestead remains of historic significance within the Birch Hill area, including the original cob cottage foundations and a fenced grave registered with the Historic Places Trust.

Students may experiment with original building materials to explore historic construction methods, discussing the links between people and land use.


Year groups: 1-10
Curriculum levels: 1-5

Learning areas


Geometry and measurement (multiple AO)


Planet Earth and Beyond

Earth systems – recognise the earth’s resources

Social Studies

Understand how time and change affect peoples lives

Understand how places in NZ are significant

Understand how management of resources impacts on sustainability


Technological Knowledge

Technological modelling (multiple AO)

Technological products


Nature of Technology

Characteristics of technology – how environments impact on technology

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore, we can adapt. 

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • make links between the landscape and social history experiment with material properties and building design
  • can make comparisons between modern and historic high-country land use.

Key competencies

Thinking, participating and contributing


Location: DOC Aoraki/Mount Cook Visitor Centre
Duration: Various depending on key focus
Hazard level: Minimal
Cost: LEOTC fee (presentation only)