5 star weta motel
Image: Adrienne Grant | DOC
Wētā have been around for long enough to see the dinosaurs come and go and are New Zealand icons. Your kids will be freaked and fascinated by these amazing insects and you can encourage their curiosity by helping them to build a "wētā motel".
A wētā motel is essentially a nice dry hole that wētā can crawl into and be safe from predators like rats, mice, stoats, cats, birds and hedgehogs.
You can go for a 1 star bamboo version, or a more luxury 3-5 star wooden structure depending how fancy you decide to get.
A simple motel can be easily made by cutting a large length of bamboo into sections so the bamboo join forms the roof of the motel. Tie the piece of bamboo vertically onto a tree with a cable tie or piece of string and voila - a 1 star wētā motel.
A 1 star wētā motel
Image: Adrienne Grant | DOC
Only essential features are given in this luxury wētā motel design3. The sizes of gallery spaces and entry holes are the most important factors.
You may have seen wētā motels in public places with a perspex window covering the cavity. This stops wētā falling out when the door is opened, but it is said to cause humidity and is limiting for the wētā. Try without or with a piece of transparent acetate or some other similar material. There is also less chance of wetā falling out if you only make single size galleries.
A luxury motel on the ground houses wētā and gecko
Image: Rosalind Cole | DOC
Diagram of a luxury weta motel designed by George Gibbs 3
This luxury wētā motel is made from two lengths of 100 mm by 25 mm wood.
Three galleries are cut out of the first length of wood: one big gallery and two small galleries positioned under the large one.
The back board is made from the second length of wood, and attached behind the first with gap filling glue.
A third length of wood can be attached in front as a cover board. The cover board keeps galleries dark during daylight hours – it can be hinged and kept closed with a hook and hasp, or attached by two bolts with wingnuts.
The motel has a roof made of an angled piece of tin.
3 Designed by George Gibbs, Victoria, University of Wellington